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Stuff you didn't know Equos Has

Maghion Member, Wiki Editor
edited October 2014 in General Chat
A buzzling modern city rich in history, culture, commerce, and nightlife. It is a Urban paradise for the elite and the middle class family alike. Standing proudly in center of Old Equos Square is the historic Equos Tower, a monument erected at the founding of Equos by immigrant settlers. Equos has its humble beginnings as a small minning village with just a few cottages here and there. As years pass by, many more immigrants moved to Equos for the promise of new jobs the successful mining industry offered. With more immigrants came more businesses and soon, Equos saw a rapid growth. There are many things still around today from the past that reminds the citizens of Equos humble beginnings such as the Equos Tower and the Calvary Tabernacle church. But here, I have a list of stuff you may not know you can find in Equos. 

1. The Tom Scraper.
Residents has often wondered about the mountain behind the Spleef arena and that odd formation that sticks out the mountain. Well, that formation is part of a large T, which is part of the Tom Scraper that was built by a guy named Tom. Under the mountain, the Tom Scraper remains fully intact and a fascinating place to explore.

2. Bulbasaur Breeding Ground.
And if a giant building spelling out TOM hiding under the mountain doesn't surprise you enough, inside that tower an the very top level of the T segment, you will find a hidden oasis where fascinating creatures called Bulbasaurs live. No one knows for sure where they came from since Bulbasaurs are not native to the Shire. oddly enough, this is the only place you will find a Bulbasaur in all of the Shire.

3. Ancient Equos ruins.
Yup, betcha didn't know there are ruins of an ancient civilization right below your feet? Archaeologists has discovered the entrance to the ruins below the unfinished City Hall.

4. Townsville.
A few miles behind the Calvary Tabernacle, there is a small settlement named Townsville. It is unknown how long that settlement been there. The common assumption is that a portion of the original Equos settlers decided to form their own settlement as Equos started to grow in order to preserve their culture. This is the Amish country of Equos. The folks there keeps to themselves and live as if Equos has not grown to a urban utopia. They have accepted electricity to a certain extent but carry on with their daily lives with very little use of it. You will not find a single cell phone there. Theres one market Maghdroid will never reach.

