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Block lag with a peculiar 'feature'.

Hey all!

In the last few months, I've visited the server very seldom, but I have noticed that each time I was having block lag issues when trying to destroy them or place too many down in rapid succession. I chalked it up in the past to a problem that would get solved quickly or go away on its own. However, I signed in today to put the finishing touches on a big build I started back in October, only to be faced with block lag again.

I asked around and nobody seemed to be having the same problem, so my best guess at the time--as some other's suggested--was that the issue was client-side. Thus, I tested SP and some other MP servers I've kicked around in. I was especially expecting to see results in SP because a lot of people have been having SP block lag since 1.8, but to my surprise, I had no problems.

So I came back to TheShire, and I began noticing a pattern to the block lag. When destroying blocks, the lag seems to be correlated to the time I spend actually breaking the block. Maybe that's what's naturally to be expected with lag, but this is what's peculiar about it: If I spend about a second-and-a-half breaking a block (for the sake of my situation, we'll say lapis block), it'll take between two and three seconds after I'm done for the break to actually go through. If I spend four seconds breaking the same block while flying, it'll take an additional nine seconds or so for the break to go through. I also experimented with breaking a stone block by hand. It took about ten seconds for me to finish the break, followed by another twenty-five or so for it to go through. This remains a fairly consistent time relation.

It's just plain weird. If we took only the first example, we would just assume that the game is lagging three seconds behind me (which would be naturally expected depending on how my end and serverside are communicating). But then why does the time it takes for blocks to become fully destroyed always seem double or more than the time I spend actually breaking them?


  • EnderKilla
    Possibly bad connection? Just a guess.
  • nebbers
    Try it in /warp BC where you'll have Creative - I'm curious if you'll experience it if you're instant-breaking blocks.
  • HazyKushen
    [quote="nebbers;2660"]Try it in /warp BC where you'll have Creative - I'm curious if you'll experience it if you're instant-breaking blocks.[/quote]

    I went ahead and gave BC a try. No lag whatsoever, build or destroy. I think it has to do with returning the blocks after they've been destroyed. Then again, I don't know what the eff is going on. I signed on earlier today and the first few blocks I destroyed just fine. Then the usual lag started kicking in.