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War: Who will you side with?

edited March 2014 in General Chat
The Shire is at War! King Sammich of Fulfwotz has declared that he is the divine ruler of the Kingdoms of the Shire. Will you stand for this? Will you join the Liberators, and free the Shire from its oppressors? Or will you join the Overtakers, and obtain righteous power with King Sammich IV?

Basically, I think this is a good way to involve everyone on the server in something. To participate, you need at least some kind of land/kingdom/city. Even a simple house or farm will do! We want as many people involved as possible! A good server reputation would also be satisfactory. Once everyone has chosen their sides, the Alliances will battle at agreed upon locations 10 non-consecutive times, when most players are online, as to have this last for a while. Lords, I hope this is okay with you, and I hope you participate. I'm attaching a poll to pick your sides. Good luck! Have fun!  :) First battle on March 21st. PLEASE COMMENT WITH WHAT ALLIANCE YOU'VE JOINED! Also, if there is a minority alliance, the neutrals will be forced to fight on their side to keep the battle as even as possible. All votes need to be in by March 20th.
Post edited by Sammiches822 on


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  • Options
    Do not vote and specify in the comments if you are neutral.
  • Options
    Or don't post anything.
  • Arbiter
    sammich this does not show who is on whose side..
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    USA! USA! USA!
  • Options
    uh... Yeah, not sure how I would go about doing that
    Just say in comments. 
  • Member, Retired Staff
    I side with the Liberators.
  • Options
    Overtakers... Obviously.
  • Options
  • Member, Wiki Editor
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    I side with Jimmy.

    Jimmy is a liberator.

    Therefore I am a liberator.

    Does that mean I am a liberator or does that mean I side with a liberator? 
  • Member
    edited March 2014
    I am the Neutral Head of the Council of Magi, I will take all refugee's of the war and give shelter to the meek
  • Options
    mwahahaha. I have a few cities. :P time to take over the world. xD
  • Options
    The nation of Eville declares its allegience to the Overlords!

     My minions will grind the Liberators under their heels of oppresion!

     We will dip our bread of tyranny into the sauce cup of hopelessness!

    Our audits of red tape will drown you in beauracracy!

    We will unleash our hordes of kittens to wash away your freedom in a tidal wave of cuteness! 

    Our ice cream trucks of delicousness will tempt you to join the side of awesomesauce!

    With moderate excitement we will gather our forces of sheep and pigs!

    We geeks of freedom stand together as Liberators against the rule of the Overloads!

    ....wait, that last one doesn't sound right...... 
  • Options
    you will burn. :)
  • Member, Retired Staff
    Mount Britain prides itself in its neutral position in all things Shire. We provide shire wide shipping services. We are also home to the shires largest prison. If either party would like to have thier prisoners of war housed in our complex please let me know. Also, if your citystate does not have a MT Britain Shipping office, and you would like one, please let me know and we will work to have your shipping needs met. 
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    Be it enacted by the Senate of the Oranje Republic and her Dependencies in Congress assembled, That war be and is hereby declared to exist between the The Liberators alliance and the dependencies thereof, and the Oranje Republic and their territories; and that the Lord of the Oranje Republic is hereby authorized to use the whole land and naval force of the Oranje Republic to carry the same into effect, and to issue to private armed vessels of the Oranje Republic commissions or letters of marque and general reprisal, in such form as he shall think proper, and under the seal of the Oranje Republic, against the vessels, goods, and effects of the government of the said Liberators Alliance, and the subjects thereof.


    Articles of alignment:

    The Oranje Republic is hereby aligned with The Overtakers.

    Additionally, The Oranje Republic hereby moves to annex Shai-Ling, Budapest, and Fridayfunland to protect these regions from Liberator aggression.  The motion is currently pending in the Senate. 

  • Options
    I shall side with the Overtakers!

  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    I side with the liberators! Liberation for all! I believe that there shall be no paramount power ruling over the shire land. The small town of Hatoki will help defend against the overtakers.
  • Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    Due to lack of any land to fight for and/or protect, I shall be a mercenary, I shall side with the Overtakers, but that's not to say I wouldn't Liberate... for a price.
  • Options
    hahaha. good luck, Mieshoa. XD
  • Options
    Upon recommendation of the First Council and with the assent of all heirs and assigns thereto assembled, the Master of the Freehold of Quarterstone hereby issues a Declaration of War against all enemies of our rightful King, Sammich IV of Fulfwotz.

    Pursuant to this declaration, the Chief of the Garrison at Quarterstone is ordered to arm and ready the milita in preparation for commencement of hostilities.

    All Ambassadors are hereby ordered to return from any and all nations, states, territories, and other foreign powers that have declared their treasonous support for the Liberator cause.
  • Options
    Mooshoo is a calm city of randomness and thus must be siding with the Overtakers to aquire more land for our tasty treats.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
  • Member, Retired Staff
    edited March 2014
    Current Standings:


    1. Sammiches
    2. draco
    3. nebbers
    4. lob
    5. quick
    6. Rixie
    7. Andrewpo
    8. Drekar


    1. LegitBatman
    2. Wyrmleaf
    3. Psycho
    4. xxandrew
    5. morris
    6. mieshoa
    7. prey
    8. Rabblerouser
    9. BLue
    10. arctic
    11. Gaan
    12. Zach
    13. JLord


    1. archeval
    2. geek
    3. Ben
      Post edited by nebbers on
    1. Member, Retired Staff
      Seabriar will stand with the Liberators. :D
    2. Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
      Yay prey joins the libs!
    3. Options
      D: you forgot me D: and I was one of the first to join the overtakers D:
    4. Options
    5. Options
      Ebethron will join the Liberators.  Down with the oppressors!
    6. Member, Retired Staff
      Sammich!!! what is the basis for your claim of kings right?


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