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BREAKING|Elite Laurelii Peacekeeper Force Returns to Laurelian After Year-Long Undercover Operation

edited January 2019 in Shire Global News
Laurelian- In what could be the hardest blow dealt to Emperor Sammus of the NSE in recent history, the Elite Laurelii Peacekeeper Force claims to have gathered enough damning evidence against the Emperor to bring him before the SUN International Court (SUNIC) on dozens of charges. These charges include, but are not limited to, crimes against humanity, extortion, collusion, fraud, and illegal extradition.
Our sources working closely with the Kiinthira (Laurelian's governing body for all intents and purposes) have reported the evidence collected to be "enough to just have the Emperor shipped off planet."

Details are still coming in since news first broke at 0600 local time, January 27, when the ELPF members resurfaced at the Kiinthira offices for debriefing after having been on assignment since February of 2018. Little is known of the Elite Laurelii Peacekeeper Force and much of their activity, let alone existence, has been often chalked up to hearsay or speculation. What we do know at this time is that the team consisted of five members who infiltrated the NSE through connections made during an elaborate operation which began with their capture and incarceration at an NSE prison.
It has not yet been confirmed that the ELPF team had posed as the five Caffan Legislators who were rumored to have sought political asylum in Laurelian in January of 2018. Our sources have reported over-hearing that the entire operation hinged on Emperor Sammus not actually knowing what the five legislators looked like - having before erroneously imprisoned people of sometimes an entirely different race of those he meant to have captured. Suffice it to say, the operation was indeed successful. We will be updating as more details arrive.

UPDATE - The five members of the ELPF who returned to Laurelian have been moved to a secured facility that "may or may not be in Laurelian territory." They will be there for an undisclosed amount of time for further debriefing and to receive physical and psychological examinations. The identities of the ELPF team members will not be shared for their safety and the security of the ongoing operation. We can now confirm that they did indeed pose as the five Caffan legislators believed to have sought political asylum in Laurelian back in January 2018.

UPDATE - The ELPF team arrived at around 0200 local time, January 27, via an unnamed shipping vessel which is said to have been instrumental in the success of what is now being called "Operation: Emperor Down." The shipping vessel was manned by an Elite Force of another Shire nation who spent the last 7 months using NSE ports to make dummy deliveries using falsified documents. Extracting the ELPF team was successful due to the allied Elite Force's time spent performing NSE port reconnaissance during those 7 months. We are receiving mixed reports on exactly what kind of evidence the ELPF team arrived with. At least two eye-witnesses say they spotted about a dozen people, including Sammichians, being picked up in official Laurelian Peacekeeper vehicles at around the same time as the ELPF team's arrival. Other reports claim that at least 30 large Pelican cases were also being loaded into the vehicles.

UPDATE - We now have an official statement from Press Secretary to the Kiinthira, Noviem Ildies.
Laurelian has long been a neutral presence in the Shire, calling for our Shireling brethren to choose diplomacy and civility before acting on base instinct. While it does disappoint us that there are some leaders in the Shire who choose to ignore our pleas, we've typically chosen to ultimately maintain our distance in such affairs. We do believe, however, that our neutrality and our civility has not only been sometimes violently criticized, but also exploited. We, the Kiinthira of Laurelian, who have been entrusted with the safety and well-being of this great nation, made the very difficult decision to act upon the great affront committed by Emperor Sammus of the NSE against Laurelian. Operation: Emperor Down was a magnificent success pulled off by the concerted efforts of several Elite Force teams around the Shire led by our own Elite Laurelian Peacekeeper Force. As I'm sure you understand, we will not be naming from which nations these teams hail. To them, however, we send our deepest gratitude and congratulate you on a job well done and safe journey on your travels home. We understand there will be many questions about just how this year-long operation was so successful. We also understand you will want as many details as possible and we promise to give them to you in due time. Thank you so much.

"Ok but did Laurelian just dog walk the Emperor? lol"
-Britnee Brittaneigh, Fulfwotz

" I just wanna ask the Emperor what LEMONADE MOUTH F*CKING SLAPS means"
-Ralph Butterbison, Naoki

"Look. I don't care. I have a fucking airport runway 3 feet from my back window."
- Justin Thyme, Lost"


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  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Antheus wrote: »
    Ooh this season of House of Cards: Shire Edition is really juicy. Sadly, we all know the emperor is going to get off with no punishment like the past 200 seasons

    For once, the Emperor shouldn't get away with just a slap on the wrist. But, these are just the thoughts of one person.
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    Nations Around The World Out Themselves As Enemies Of The Empire

    In recent weeks, the NSE has seen her once-friendly nations array themselves against her, outing themselves as known enemies of the Empire.

    The countries of Laurelian, the Solurian Empire, and Republic of Naoki have revealed their intimate involvement with a reprehensible conspiracy to remove His Imperial Majesty Emperor Sammus M.I.v.I. II from power; over the course of a year, these nations engaged in a covert and profligate operation gathering intelligence and violating the Empire's rights as a sovereign nation, searching desperately for anything that could be used to indict the Emperor. When nothing of value was found, these countries resorted to simply falsifying their findings in order to better align their mission with Laurelian's larger goal of the annihilation of the New Sammichian Empire.

    After the Solurian Empire and Republic of Naoki divulged their involvement last night, His Imperial Majesty held a press conference at the Office of the Emperor in Capitolae, elucidating his personal stance on the matter:

    "I wish I were able to say that I am surprised, but alas, I am not. Ever since its establishment, the nation of Laurelian has made it clear that its people are no friends of the New Sammichian Empire. Time and time again, they coerce the other countries of the Shire into joining them in their pigheaded crusade against the Empire while, at the same time, preaching their neutrality and moralizing to the rest of the Shirefolk who they view as lesser than them. I will be the first to tell you that the NSE is, by no means, a perfect country; we have a long history of war, violence, terrorism, racism, and campaigns for personal gain built upon the backs of the less fortunate. One thing I can say, however, is that we don't pretend to be anything else, and that we are trying to be better. Since the election of Madam High Chancellor Zeena K. Ritz-Khalifa, the crime epidemic that plagues our major cities has noticeably subsided. We singlehandedly eliminated the NPC Brigade, a ethno-nationalist terrorist group that not only operated and claimed lives within the Empire but outside of it as well. In the past decade, Philanthropa Imperatia has constructed and continues to operate over fifty schools and four hospitals in developing nations such as the Sultanate of Baba. We solved the issue of Caffan independence by granting it autonomy, as was the will of our people. What is this if not progress? What, might I ask, has Laurelian done? Of course, they have a substantial foreign aid budget, but it's one that could surely be larger. To the children in some poor region of the Shire that went hungry tonight, I apologize on behalf of Laurelian, on behalf of the world, which was too preoccupied orchestrating a jihad against one man instead of providing you with what you needed. I will not comment on the veracity of the allegations presented by this utterly incompetent intelligence team, but I will affirm that I will refuse to step down from my position; no organization in the world except my own government and my own people have that power.

    I speak now directly to the Kiinthira; your intrusion into the affairs of this great nation are shameful, and even despite the very strained relations of our two countries, I had expected more from you. To recover any semblance of previous admiration or respect I once had for the Laurelii, it would mean traveling into the fiery depths of hell itself. That, I would do for my citizens; yet, I refuse to for those who would disrupt their way of life, and harm the New Sammichian Empire."

    His Imperial Majesty received a thunderous applause and standing ovation following his address. He has not yet made it clear how he will go about handling these traitorous countries, or if he will stand trial before the Shire United Nations International Court.
  • Member, Wiki Editor

    From the Offices of the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Orange and Purple, Paarsdam:

    We had nothing to do with this. Please stop repeatedly texting our Parliament members, "DID U DO THIS 2?" and "ANSWR ME NERD".

    We've had enough of foreign policy for today.

    -FM Edna Thognis, Paarsdam 2/17/19


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