Membership - Leitnant

Hey! My name is Leitnant and I saw a video of someone talking about your server, and decided to come check it out, and i have to say, i like it.
I like building in Minecraft, I have built cities and mountains, but it just gets boring alone, so I decided to check out some creative servers, but they all placed me on a plot world before anything else, and I quicly grew tired of them. This server has actual terrain I can build on, which is nice and I would Love to build on the server to add to the already good-looking world.
Thank you!
Hi Leitnant!
Thank you for applying to join our Minecraft server. Glad you like our server!
I've accepted your application, and promoted you to our 'Tyrule' rank.
Information that will help you to get started may be found here:
If you have any questions, then we're here to help – ask away in our 'Support Area' forum.
Hope you have fun!
Best regards,
The Shire