Membership - AlexaAmazon

Hi, i am alexa amazon and i like minecraft. I found out about the shire through r/minecraft that there was a sever that was like minecraft heaven, and i think i found it. My IRL name is thompson, and i am a male. I am not a trap, i just like alexa from amazon. I am 12 years old and am in 6th grade. I live in nyc, and i think this server is a upgraded new york, and i love that. I hope i become a member.
Hi AlexaAmazon!
Thank you for applying to join our Minecraft server. Glad you like our server!
I've accepted your application, and promoted you to our 'Tyrule' rank.
Information that will help you to get started may be found here:
If you have any questions, then we're here to help – ask away in our 'Support Area' forum.
Hope you have fun!
Best regards,
The Shire