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Membership - TriforceLink205/TL205


Hi! I'm actually supposed to be TriforceLink205, but I messed up my email creating that account... :P

I found this server on a post by nebbers on Imgur, and it's amazing! I spent what must have been like an hour and a half getting lost on the railways and it rocked!

So, I'm Jacob (24). I've been playing MC for something like 10 years, done a little bit of everything, although this was my first time on a legit server like this. I'm normally a builder on creative, although I just started a survival world that my mother, sister, and I have collectively put about 12 hours into so far. I'm a musician and composer, and would love to build giant instruments, maybe eventually functional to a degree if I learn how to use Redstone for something other than opening doors... :P

Anyway, looking forward to playing on the server more!

R.I.P. lil lop, may his memory live on


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    Welcome, Triforce! Your application has been accepted! Thank you very much for your attendance to Lop's memorial. He was a good Lop. But what you didn't know is you're actually now his one and only horcrux. I can't believe the plan worked.
    Anyway. What to do with your double soul now. Well...
    You can now build in /warp tyrule where you'll find everything you need to show us your style and skill level and hopefully join us in the main world.

    Important information about getting started:
    - All your materials will be under the Tyrule spawn. To get to the materials area, follow the "yellow brick road." Just right click the "free" signs.
    - All tools and enchantments can be found at every exit of the materials area. Just right click the signs for the tools and then with the tool equipped, right click the enchantment signs
    - You can be assigned a plot by doing /plot auto and then /plot home to get to it
    - Your tyrule build does not have to be huge or elaborate. Just something that gives us an idea of your style and skill level

    Please feel free to ask us any questions either here or in game. We're happy to help. And if you need assistance from a staff member, we're the folks with either blue or gold titles.
    If you haven't logged onto the server yet, you'll have to ask a staff member for your Tyrule ranking when you log on for the first time. If you've already logged onto the server, your Tyrule ranking should appear shortly.
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    Also. Tell MoonlightC3 they will get a discount on soul price for joining. Only 1/16th soul.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer

    Welcome! :-)

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    Welcome to The Shire.


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