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Membership - KrillingIT



I'm a 24 year old Finnish university student that is looking for a new creative way for procrastination and escapism (I'm just kidding [partly]). I found ShireCraft by furiously googling for a server with a detailed world... Ohh boy did I not expect the amount of detail I'd stumble upon!

I've been playing MC on and off since early beta and there's just something about the mood of a fleshed out MC world that I find relaxing in a dreamy way. Now, my main motivation for joining was to wander around the cities, but there is no way one could stare at all these creations without getting inspired. I do have some eye for aesthetics, but it is definitely something I'd like to practice more. The server seems like a friendly platform for creative purposes and maybe for a little socialization with like minded beautiful people :)

See you around!

