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Membership Application - Ocolo

Hi! My Username is Ocolo, I am from the US, 22, and looking to get back into creative building. I found this server through a friend who is an old admin.
Welcome, your application has been accepted.
Now you can build in our beginner world, Tyrule, at /warp tyrule which is where you can find everything you need to get started! Here you will show us what you can do with your building style and skill level and hopefully you can join us in the main world after we have looked at what you built.
Some important information:
- All your materials are found underneath Tyrule's spawn area. To get there, go to one of the middle edges of the spawn plot where you will find stairs that take you down to the blocks, and then right click the [Free] signs or buttons next to the blocks to get the materials you need.
- All tools and enchantments can be found at every exit of the materials area. You can just right click the signs for the tools and then with the tool equipped, right click the enchantment signs.
- To get a plot to build on, you type /plot auto and then /plot home to get to it, if you decide to explore somewhere else for a bit or when you get new materials.
- Your Tyrule build doesn't have to be huge or anything extraordinary. We just need to get an idea of your skill level and style.
Please feel free to ask us questions either here or in game. We're here to help. And if you need assistance from a staff member, we're the ones with titles in dark blue or gold.
Once again, welcome!