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The Topic of the Franklands Kingdom

Narcs121 Member, Wiki Editor
edited April 2022 in Gameplay

Here is the topic of the...

🇳🇴 | Franklandet Kongedømme

🇬🇧 | Franklands Kingdom

🇫🇷 | Royaume des Terres-Franques

The Franklands Kingdom is a part of the Noreskian Empire. It shall be composed of multiple projects, some being built at the moment, others in project.

The capital city of the Franklands Kingdom is Sandbergen. The official language is Norwegian. English is also used by the Kingdom in areas in contact with states that do not have Norwegian as an official language. French is used by the diplomacy, as French is the diplomacy language of the Noreskian Empire.

Yet, as of 10 Apr 2022, it comprises two municipalities : the City of Sandbergen, and the Town of Frankrikeshavn.

City of Sandbergen

The flag. Blue for the Sea, Red for the People, and White for the King.

Here are all the districts of Sandbergen, and a quick description of what they will be...

Gamle Stad : "Old Town" in Norwegian. The name says everything - it's where most of the historic buildings will be, in a very dense environment. It's supposed to be the town center...

Ny Stad : "New Town" in Norwegian. Again, it says everything - it shall have many modern buildings, and also, multiple town layers. Most of the office buildings will be there.

Vallens : A nice neighbourhood, high up the hills, right next to its beach resorts. A nice place to visit, far from the busy town center.

Maryensand : Also a district high up the hills, but more dense, with a few residences from the nobility. Shall be well-known for its luxurious gardens too.

Solsidan av Finnlandsberg : A district that will be on multiple layers too, even with polders sometimes. Alternating between modern and ancient. And has most of the embassies too.

Lena : The district with all the naval infrastructures. A large canal, which will see many ships passing. Somewhat industrial and residential.

Haveringen : The district with the airport. Mostly residential, with modern houses, but not very dense.

Ila : A mostly industrial and commercial district, extending until the south end of the town. Almost as busy as the town center !

Town of Frankrikeshavn

This small town is composed, mainly, of four parts : the first being the western side of town, composed of small houses. This is the original village of Frankrikeshavn. The second is the eastern side of town, composed of higher buildings, built later on. The third is the commercial zone, built on a zone that used to be a hardly constructible swamp. And the fourth is Nyhavn Island, north of town, where buildings were built much later on.

For now, it can be considered as complete, but a complete rebuild of the town is in project.

Post edited by Narcs121 on


  • nebbers

    I love this! The flag is great too. Excited to see how this develops

  • Narcs121
    Narcs121 Member, Wiki Editor

    Updated the topic so that it can be suitable for my other projets in the region. Something grand will be built in southeastern Shire !

  • Narcs121
    Narcs121 Member, Wiki Editor

    Attention to STA passengers from and towards Bobatown and Hashimoto on the East Shire Transit :

    The Viaduct of Normandy, which runs over the Nyhavn Canal in Sandbergen and carries an Intershire highway as well as the East Shire Transit, is currently under reconstruction.

    Thus, there is no traffic between Frankrikeshavn and Bobatown until further notice.