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!~!~! Winner of the 2021 BRIDGE Competition !~!~!

nebbers Lord
edited February 2021 in Information and Rules

Thank you for everyone who participated in the BRIDGE competition! If you completed your bridge and know of a good place where your bridge would work in the main world, let us know! We can move it to your place of choice.

This was one of our most successful BCs in a long time, with nearly 30 plots started.

The vote was extremely close. Bridges were judged on Complexity, Detail, Design, and Originality. AND THE WINNER IS..... *drum roll please*...

@Zoncula !!

Please congratulate them next time you see them, and go check out their winning bridge!! We hope it can find a home in the main world.

Our runners up were LunaLion and Wuggeh!

Post edited by CoffeeAndChill on
