Welcome! Please connect to the server (play.shirecraft.us) at least once before applying for membership. If you haven't joined the server at least once, we will be unable to give you a rank.
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Membership - Sykuro42
My Minecraft name is Sykuro42.
I'm 17 years old and I live in Germany.
How did I find The Shire? i found this server from TheMisterEpic on youtube.
The first thing I'd like to create on The Shire is... i want to build a old german city ore just small buildings.
My Minecraft name is Sykuro42.
I'm 17 years old and I live in Germany.
How did I find The Shire? i found this server from TheMisterEpic on youtube.
The first thing I'd like to create on The Shire is... i want to build a old german city ore just small buildings.
WELCOME! Your application has been accepted. To get started, connect to play.shirecraft.us and run /warp tyrule. Read the signs to learn how to get a place to build.
Questions? Ask in-game or join us on Discord - https://shirecraft.us/discord
Enjoy! 👍