Membership - Toaster91413

My Minecraft name is Toaster91413.
I live in United States of America.
How did I find The Shire? A friend (suntinfunny) told me about it on a discord server as they were showcasing some builds and their progress..
The first thing I'd like to create on The Shire is... Id like to build some industral power plants (I was thinking a nuclear plant and a hydroelectric dam) and help my friend out with their builds..
Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to the rank of Tyrule. You can read about our ranks here:
Tyrule is our rank for new members. To get started, run /warp Tyrule when you're next in-game and read the signs to learn how to get a place to build. This is your chance to work on a small project to show us what you can do, then ask a staff member to review it, and we'll get you a place to build in our (almost) twelve-year-old main world.
Please familiarise yourself with our server rules at Especially important are our rules about originality and etiquette.
If you have any questions please ask a staff member in-game, on the forum, or on Discord.
We look forward to seeing your creations on the server!