Clouds Clouds Airship Belthil Tower Nether Temple
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Membership - TheWhimsyMichi

edited November 2024 in Join Us
My Minecraft name is TheWhimsyMichi.
I live in .
How did I find The Shire? Recoomendation.
The first thing I'd like to create on The Shire is... I would like to learn the basics by seeing everything you can do in the game..


  • Options

    Thank you for applying! I've accepted your application and promoted you to our first builder rank, Tyrule. To finish the application process, you will need to create a build in our plot world, /warp Tyrule. Make sure to read the signs you can find there!

    If you've completed your build, please ask a staff member, who will review your build, and promote you to the next rank, Yeoman so you can build in our main world.


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