Welcome! Please connect to the server (play.shirecraft.us) at least once before applying for membership. If you haven't joined the server at least once, we will be unable to give you a rank.
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Membership - FrighteningDuck

My Minecraft name is FrighteningDuck.
I am however too old to be playing minecraft in 2025.
ArcticStar kindly showed me the server, and made me want to pick up building again.
I like the idea of building towns, mainly in a medieval style, but still branching out..
My Minecraft name is FrighteningDuck.
I am however too old to be playing minecraft in 2025.
ArcticStar kindly showed me the server, and made me want to pick up building again.
I like the idea of building towns, mainly in a medieval style, but still branching out..
Welcome FrighteningDuck!
Thank you for applying! I've accepted your application and promoted you to our first builder rank, Tyrule. To finish the application process, you will need to create a build in our plot world,
/warp Tyrule
. Make sure to read the signs you can find there!If you've completed your build, please ask a staff member, who will review your build, and promote you to the next rank, Yeoman so you can build in our main world.