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pc1894's town

pc1894 Member, Wiki Editor
edited July 2014 in Gameplay


I have been absent for 7-8 months due to a couple of awfully stressful school semesters and have just returned to the shire and plan to stay. I had a town approved on the old forums under a name I can't even remember and when I returned it was back to being an open piece of land, but still had my builds on it. Since it was already approved on the old forum, I went ahead and asked Jimmy to set borders and name it Acadie. Since then, I was wondering if I had to have the new name approved on this forum. Just making sure I didn't break any rules. I did read up on them since I've been back and just want to make sure the name change is OK with you. The town is at X: 4526, Y: 68, Z: 464



  • 0031benjy
    0031benjy Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    Has anything been moved/removed? I can try get them back if so. If not, I see no reason why your town will have been unapproved if it's already been approved. If you need a region defining to protect it ask me or anyone Architect+.
    Good luck! 
  • nebbers
    Yep you're all good PC1894!  No worries or rules about name changes.
  • pc1894
    pc1894 Member, Wiki Editor
    Nope, everything was just as I left it. Just wanted to clear it up and make sure it was all good. Thanks guys! :)