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Knavobuki - House Requests & Community Ideas


I am GJ.
Who is GJ you ask? He is the person who does your Hair at the salon.
This Discussion is for Knavobuki's House Requests & Community Ideas.
We also have this in our "Idea House of Ideas" but, you may also do this on the Forums!
All you have to do is this:


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That is all,

Mie & GJ
Founding Fathers of Knavobuki


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    over 9000 blocks
    In Lava
  • Wiki Editor

    over 9000 blocks
    In Lava

    Thank you for the request!
    But sadly, this will not work for Knavobuki because it will look very weird. :D
    Have a nice day,

  • Lord
    edited January 2015
    Is the K silent?  I've been reading it as "nav-o-booky"  (nav as in navigation)
  • Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    [quote="nebbers;2222"]Is the K silent?  I've been reading it as "nav-o-booky"  (nav as in navigation)[/quote]
    Same, I think Kuh-nav-o-booky sounds a little weird, then again this is The Shire.
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    [quote="0031benjy;2223"][quote="nebbers;2222"]Is the K silent?  I've been reading it as "nav-o-booky"  (nav as in navigation)[/quote]
    Same, I think Kuh-nav-o-booky sounds a little weird, then again this is The Shire.

    wot u mean by wierd m8
  • Member, Wiki Editor

    9x9 Blocks
    Mediavel Armory or Weaponary
    Center of City, near Marketplace
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    The K is silent ;) Thank you gaan for a more appropiate request <3 we will post this on the official board of official custom requests and officialness
  • Lord
    edited January 2015

    A shop called "The K is Silent".  They sell paraphernalia used for consuming Knavo-scarab, a dung beetle that feasts exclusively on wild mushrooms found in the Knavobuki area.  The beetle is known for it's hallucinogenic affects when eaten.  While consuming the beetle is strictly illegal, selling paraphernalia for refining and extracting the toxin is not - though "The K is Silent" markets itself as a 'health shop' and strictly forbids anyone mentioning the Knavo-scarab on store property.  The shop provides users with vaporizers, dehydrators, boilers, extraction kits, grinders, powder refiners, and pipes.  Customers can even find grow lamps and terrarium kits for raising their own mushrooms and beetles.

    The shop is the 2nd store in a 3-storefront building, sandwiched between the Atlas Tattoo parlor on the left, and the "$$$ Cambiamos Cheques $$$" check cashing store to the right (with the low low interest rate of 450.00%).

    The alley behind the shops has two metal trash cans that are serving as fire pits with a gang of 6 homeless people huddled around them.  Duncan Followell, the groups seventh member, recently passed away from pneumonia.  Duncan was young - maybe 20 when he died.  He was one of the newest members of the group.  He never shared much about himself or his past, but it is speculated that he was a runaway from a distant desert town in the extreme southeast corner of the world.  He ran away from home at the age of 16 and found his way to Knavobuki three and a half years later, almost entirely on foot.  Along the way, in Ebethron, he met a female traveling companion.  Duncan never shared who she was or what happened to her, but we know they were tragically separated just outside of Kraghal.

    The one literate person in the group scrawled out a memorial note where Duncan's bedroll was.  Duncan's items were divvied out amongst the group.  They attempted to bury him alongside the creek behind the alley, but a flash flood pushed his body to the surface.  A pack of wolves tore apart the remains.  His head was left behind, but it was quickly skeletonized by a flock of vultures.  An empty pit with Duncan's skull is all that is left.

    Post edited by nebbers on
  • Wiki Editor
    [quote="Mieshoa;2226"]The K is silent ;) Thank you gaan for a more appropiate request <3 we will post this on the official board of official custom requests and officialness[/quote] The K is silent?!?! When did I know this.. I was pronouncing it "Co-Navo-Bookee" ...
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