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Region Colors broken

Looks like when WorldGuard was updated, it switched how it handles color for titles.  If your region's color is broken, please post it here and we can fix it, or if you own the region, you can fix it yourself with this color chart and the following command:

//region flag [region name] greeting &4Bob's Fun Park   (replace &4 with whatever color you want).

Unsure of your regions name?  Stand in it and type /region info.



  • Colepuck
    Colepuck Member, Wiki Editor
    Finally! they switched to normal minecraft colors instead of having their own list! Thanks Nebbs <3
  • nebbers
    Also, all polygonal regions are broken on dynmap, but they're still there in-game.
  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Arbiter
    Yeah this is a good change. May be a PITA now but it's for the better!
  • 0031benjy
    0031benjy Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    I always forget half the WG colours, this is great news! :)