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Shire Open Mic

Liandria21 Member, Wiki Editor
Greetings, humans of the Shire!

I propose that for the 5th anniversary of the Shire (that is, in addition to the team build competition), the Shire holds an open mic day/afternoon/evening/night/session.

@Millred can be thanked for this idea! x3333 [your singing was beautiful, mill ^-^]

A stage can be set up, ts can be ongoing, and most importantly the Shire community can come together to enjoy performances of various talents previously possibly unknown! Poetry, singing, instrumental performances, etc... (just no moar isis screams and tunes plz&tnx ;~;) You don't necessarily have to have a performance of any sort to come; you can just come as a guest to watch and enjoy!

Y'all interested? O.O
