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Items at Tyrule

I am hoping that you guys can help me with this request. The Tyrule area needs more items. I cant seem to find any redstone items for my quick look yesterday. And tonight I would be building, so I am hoping u guys can add comparators, repeaters and other redstone items to Tyrule. And I came here to help out with redstoning so yea hehe.


  • 5qu1dy
    5qu1dy Member
    Make them, the resources necessary are there and its not that hard to do so.

    Little side-note: Why do we not have the silk touch enchant available at the Tyrule tool depot?
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    @5qu1dy Remind me when I'm next in-game and I'll make an enchant sign for it

    @titus1605 The raw materials are available. However, I'll consider adding a few redstone basics. Please note that builds that are mainly visible redstone might not be awarded the Yeoman rank. However, let's wait and see what you come up with!
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