A dawn of darkness has crested the horizon on our beloved Shire

The Solurian Empire will send warships and medical supplies to aid the war effort! For peace! For Laurelian!2
Ay! Citizens of the Shire! The city of Avignon rises to the call to arms, and pitches forth it's effort against the dastard perpetrators of Riverwood. We hereby pledge allegiance and support to the Laurelian Nation. May we see peace once again.4
Under the Mariah Carey Sisterhood Act, pure love and a concern for half of Knavobuki's wealth, I have also decided to defend the Laurelian Nation. We must find the answer for unconditional kindness between nations rather than this intolerable act of hatred we have witnessed today. We will be strong, and we will prevail.Sidenote: All food and drinks to soldiers will be provided by companies Fresh Baked and Mugs. Always read the lable6
City of Riverwood
Official Press Release29 July 2016
16:30 CDT
30 July 2016
06:25 CDT
-------------------------------------------------It has come to the attention of riverwood officials that the nation of Laurelian has declared war on the City of Riverwood. While the cause of this irrational violence towards a peaceful nation is unknown, the hatred against Laurelian and her leader that have been present in Riverwood for an unknown period of time have grown stronger and now represent the views of 90% or more of the citizens of Riverwood. Due to this hatred, the House of Riverwood, the Senate of Riverwood, and the President of Riverwood have declared war on the nation of Laurelian and any allies of Laurelian. Due to the massive amount of support for Laurelian across the shire, the President has authorized the use of the most powerful weapons available in Riverwood, and has enacted a draft. Furthermore, the Port of Riverwood is closed indefinetly and all construction projects are halted until this conflict is resolved.
Riverwood denounces Laurelian
Riverwood denounces allies of Laurelian
Riverwood declares war with Laurelian
Riverwood declares war with allies of Laurelian
Martial Law has been declared across Riverwood
Petition to secede from Venice has been delivered to the President
Petition faild to pass house
All border crossings are closed
Imigreation/Emigration Suspended
OmgHay wanted for Treason
OmgHay wanted for Terrorism
Neon wanted for Treason
Coal wanted for Conspiring against Riverwood
Mieshoa wanted for Conspiring against Riverwood
Phobi wanted for Treason
Gustavobc wanted for Treason
Liandria wanted for Terrorism
Sammiches wanted for Terrorism
East Simis
End Of Press ReleasePost edited by Antheus on0 -
The New Sammichian Empire denounces the city-state of Riverwood for its previous sanctions against the Empire and its aggression towards the Laurelian Nation. The Empire, though hesitant to enter war, realizes greater things (such as the stability of the Shire Dollar Zone) are at stake.We pledge our support to Laurelian and allied nations. The might of Imperial Armed Forces will see to it that Riverwood is crushed and may no longer threaten the peace the Shire has enjoyed following the aftermath of the First World War.His Majesty Emperor Sammus Mephistes Inigmax Ich (the Magnificent) II has declared war on Riverwood and any Riverwood-aligned nations!7
As you know, the city of Simiris has long been divided East and West and have been at odds with each other for decades. I have spoken with each side to hear their perspective on the new war unfolding throughout the shire.
From the east:
I, The Glorious Leader, praise Riverwood and its fight against the dirty capitalist pigs. For too long they have suppressed us and stifled our economies. East Simiris happily joins Riverwood in its battle against those that are weak. World domination is our goal and with Riverwood and its allies we can accomplish anything. I say rise up citizens of the East and all those who call themselves our friends, rise to fight this evil that has grown across our land for too long. This is WAR! And we will start firstly with unifying the city of Simiris once more under my rule so prosperity can spread to all. Fight well comrades, for the future depends on it!
From the West:
As the president of West Simiris, I offer my deepest condolences to the nation of Laurelian and its allies as our shire plunges into a dark page in history. With Riverwood's declaration of war the peaceful nature of the shire now balances on the edge of oblivion. West Simiris knows this act of balance well, situated beside the East Simirian dictatorial regime. The West wishes to join Laurelain and its allies to fight against the spread of fascism and dictatorships popping up throughout our world. We hope you will help us defend our borders too as an attack from the east is very likely imminent and would have catastrophic results for the west, our citizens, our democracy, and in extension, the shire as a whole. We stand with you in this treacherous war and wish to see a peaceful end. Stay safe.
As expected, the east joined Riverwood and the West allied with Laurelian. This makes Simiris all the more heated in its divide. The citizens of both cities are on high alert as the paranoia of war creeps into the hearts of all.
Post edited by SimCS on2 -
The City States of the Vaelthranni Compact stand alongside their long-term allies, Laurelian. may the heresy brought forth by this tyrannical declaration be cleansed in purifying flames.Airships will be launched from Drosvenar immediately to supply medical aid and aerial bombardment, along with airborne shock troops, to deal with this grave situation.DOWN WITH RIVERWOOD (and its allies!). DEMOCRACY FOREVER!3
The Mirstonian Council and Head Minister Archeval will Aid Fulfwotz and Laurelian as we have in the past with what limited support the island nation of Mirstone can provide in hopes of returning back to peace.
3 -
Glompuia Kingdom stands alongside and will defend the Laurelian Nation and all other allied nations. We will offer any and all possible support we can provide. The Kingdom does prefer peace whenever possible, but we will not stand idly by while Laurelian Nation—who has protected so many Shirelings in the past—is being threatened.Her Majesty Glomp Queen Lia has officially called upon the entirety of the Glompuian Royal Armed Forces to aid the Laurelian Nation, and declares war against Riverwood and all their allies.In light of this devastating news, Her Majesty Glomp Queen Lia has also declared...
- That food, drinks, beer, and any needed medical aid will be provided without question to all soldiers and allies fighting on the side of Laurelian Nation (even for the New Sammichian Empire);
- Hobbiton will provide an underground safe-haven to as many refugees of this war as possible.
1 - That food, drinks, beer, and any needed medical aid will be provided without question to all soldiers and allies fighting on the side of Laurelian Nation (even for the New Sammichian Empire);
Equos Empire hereby sends troops to Laurelian to assist Laurelian nation in defending against atttacks from Riverwood and its allies.1
The High Commission of Venezia Nuova voted today to impose an array of sanctions on Riverwood for their unauthorised secession. Read more...Venezia Nuova denounces Riverwood. We stand with Laurelian.The high commission of Venezia Nuova has declared WAR on the nation of Riverwood.1
Me the ruler of the village draconi has allied with riverwood.0
[quote="hunter926;7235"]Me the ruler of the village draconi has allied with riverwood.[/quote] The high commission of Venezia Nuova has voted to declare war on Draconi. Venice's fleet of nuclear submarines has been mobilised.
4 -
Might I suggest that, in the face of overwhelming odds, you choose the wise path and surrender, before any lives are needlessly thrown away, Riverwood?2
The Oranje County Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today announced sanctions against Riverwood and her allies in the form of complete financial isolation. This action is consistent with the O.C. government’s commitment to continue targeting those who attempt to disrupt Laurelian hegemony in the northeast Shire.“Riverwood's aggression poses a significant threat to regional and global security, and it will continue to be subject to international sanctions,” said Adam Szubin, acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “We have consistently made clear that Oranjestad will vigorously press sanctions against any rogue state that attempts to sponsor terrorism, cause regional destabilization, inflict human rights abuses, or pursue a ballistic missile program.”Oranjestad is considering a military option as well, should it become necessary.1
Venice rescinds its declaration of war on Riverwood, and reinstates Riverwood's membership of the High Commission of Venezia Nuova.Military action against the state of Draconi is now on hold, pending review.0
[quote="Blitheness;7257"]Venice rescinds its declaration of war on Riverwood, and reinstates Riverwood's membership of the High Commission of Venezia Nuova.Military action against the state of Draconi is now on hold, pending review.[/quote]y tho0
[quote="Sammiches822;7266"]@nebbersthey surrendered in the face of overwhelming defeat[/quote] I thought they'd disassociated from Venice so I declared war on them... then I realised they hadn't and felt like Tony Blair/George Bush.