Website maintenance in progress
Possible ideas for the next building competition

Member, Wiki Editor
Hello everybody! I hope you're doing really great!
Be sure to stay tuned on Friday for the announcement of July's build contest winners! Until then: share your ideas for the next build contest in the comments! Staff will probably choose 5-10 and put it up for community vote soon!
Be sure to stay tuned on Friday for the announcement of July's build contest winners! Until then: share your ideas for the next build contest in the comments! Staff will probably choose 5-10 and put it up for community vote soon!
Go! Go! Go! Let's win some prizes!
- Love, Jon
- Love, Jon
Post edited by Monsky on
temples or greek or smth thanks1
How about Ancient Americas?
So styles like Mesoamerican, Talud-tablero, and Maya.
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Omg yes. btw some kind of Old / New Ruin theme would be greatPost edited by qcblastar on0
what about something to do with terraforming? like building cities into mountians and things like that0
I've reworded your title to be less.... caps-y.We welcome you asking for everyone's input on future server events, but please leave major decision making to our 'lazy' staff members.I'm all for a Greek theme... get that quartz out!159
[quote="Sammiches822;7374"]temples or greek or smth thanks
Will you participate?I'm throwing up Wild West again.Have a few reasons why to:1. When we think of the west, hot dry air comes to mind. Lets face it, most of the US is under a heat advisory at the moment, so it sort of makes sense.2. The theme hasn't been done since i've been around, at least to my recollection.3. We might see some peeps use the 'new' clay blocks for once.Second pick though, would be to go with High Fantasy. Always a safe bet and typically produces some interesting builds.28 -
Greek sounds fun, but it seems a bit stereotypical. I would like to point out that pretty much every build in The Shire is a modern or medieval city. I would love to see what you master builders could build in the science fiction genre. Shire craft has way too many castles, but a BC about futuristic tech could encourage more spaceships.6
A sci-fi theme could even bring about pop-culture builds from Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, etc.0
[quote="Mythendor;7390"]Greek sounds fun, but it seems a bit stereotypical. I would like to point out that pretty much every build in The Shire is a modern or medieval city. I would love to see what you master builders could build in the science fiction genre. Shire craft has way too many castles, but a BC about futuristic tech could encourage more spaceships.[/quote]I feel like people forget the Shire has been around for almost 6 years. lolFor the vast majority of the Shire's life, materials that could be used for a futuristic build were not available. Spaceships made from stone and logs? Probably not.And you may want to try your hand at becoming a "master builder" before challenging them to stop making "too many castles" and build you futuristic stuff that will make you happier with the server. lol7
[quote="Hay;7393"]For the vast majority of the Shire's life, materials that could be used for a futuristic build were not available[/quote]
Come on Hay. The futuristic looking sponge has been available since minecraft classic, there is no excuse for not having a sponge spaceship on a 6 year old server.
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@Hay , I am SO sorry if that post seemed mean! That was not my intent! Now that I am rereading it, I understand that it seems like I was criticizing and "challenging" you guys. I only meant that it would be more difficult and unusual to build a futuristic build than it would be to build a greek one, so I thought it would make a better competition. Master builder was meant to be a compliment, the server is so awesome as it is.And I didn't mean to say that castles aren't cool, they are actually my favorite.I know I'm not a master builder yet, or even close to one.I am really, really sorry!-Mythendor3
Totally cool, man. I know you weren't trying to be mean. I was just giving some perspective on the evolution of builds and styles on the Shire.I think what's important to remember is that many have become "master builders" by simply building what they love and what works best for them. We just simply haven't had many people come through the Shire who wish to build spaceships and the sort... and also do a great enough job at it that we keep the builds. lolSo... maybe it'll be you! Who knows? You can't really say you're not a master builder until you've at least given it a shot, right?3
[quote="BrockSammson]Will you participate?[/quote]no10
we actually did have a fantasy BC before, a while ago, and some people did build spaceships. Fantasy is broader than just magic and castles lol.5
Ancient Chinese?1
Seeing as we're going into fall in the northern hemisphere, I would say "falling" or "decaying". "School" maybe since lots of us aare going back to school
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[quote="Blitheness;7384"]I've reworded your title to be less.... caps-y.We welcome you asking for everyone's input on future server events, but please leave major decision making to our 'lazy' staff members.I'm all for a Greek theme... get that quartz out![/quote]
Hi Andy, I really appreciate your feedback, and it is your right and duty to change what you want, but a couple of things:
1) The title was caps-y because I based the thread off of Hay's previous ideas thread,, which you seemed to have no problem with, title-wise.
2) One of the things I love most about the shire is that admins like you let us have this sort of input, so I appreciate that you're welcoming that. However your tone in this comment comes across at least a little bit like it feels as if I did this completely of my own accord. I didn't. I mentioned the next competition in global chat, and Hay told me to make the thread, so I did. This is also the reason why I used Hay's previous thread as a template.
3) As for my lazy comment, I retract it, it was rude of me and I didn't mean it at all in any way except as a jest.
On an unrelated note, I'm completely down for a ruins competition! It sounds very fun, and very versatile.
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@monskyWhile I know Andy can answer for himself, I want to share my observations on this.The length of the title may have had something to do with why it seemed more "caps-y" than others and when I made that post, it had already been decided by the staff that we were going to have a July BC and time was of the essence to get feedback on build ideas.On the second thing, I am certain Andy was referring to staff deciding on the top 5 ideas which would come from your post - making reference to your saying that you would decide if we were too lazy to do so; not to the fact that you made the post.Thank you for retracting the "lazy" comment. Some things can still sting even if it was meant to be a joke. Just kind of a "walk a mile in my shoes" type thing.3
i thought it might be a good idea to do something with terrain. not just a terraforming competiton but like building cities in the sides of mountains and stuff0
I'm just here to throw in some words.Bioorganic (flesh, blood, bones)Alien (biome design, absurd architecture)Up-side-down (hanging city)MilitaryIndustrial (blacksmith? Steam boilers? Large hadron colliders)Darkness (builds to be appreciated with Blindness)Maze (labyrinth? Hedge maze? Redstone trickery?)Under constructionSurvivalist (extreme environment builds)0
[quote="Anomaloavis;7415"] Up-side-down (hanging city)[/quote]This will be so fun for all my LiaFurniture tho.0
Steampunk? Sci-fi? One chunk challenge? Japanese (Heian Period to Edo Period)? Futuristic?
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I don't know if this has been done but on one of the last building competition that we did on the last server I was playing on, we were all given the same terraformed plot and we had to build something onto it that would make the plot more alive. ie: an old house on a cliff with a river.
TL:DR: a terraformed plot where you can build something that fits with it.2 -
Personally I like the 'fantasy' idea but I also think that an 'Under the Sea' theme would be cool0
I know that I have said that a sci-fi theme would be fun, but I have an even batter idea: Wizard Towers.Everyone loves wizard towers! I bet most people on this server have built one in the past, and will do so again. It is a more specific BC than just "fantasy," but it still would be really fun. It is a great way to take a simple idea and but a personal spin on it.0
I'll expand on the one chunk challenge. Not much to explain but, you build the best thing you can in a single chunk
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one chunk challenge sounds very different and fun. It'd mean remaking the plot world though to fit for chunks though. Not sure if that is a big pain to do w/ the new plot plugin0
it's pretty simple to set the plots to be 16x160