Clouds Clouds Airship Belthil Tower Nether Temple
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ZebraFury Member
edited March 2017 in General Chat
Me and DireWolfOfDoom made a discord for the server and all of the ranks are now set up, feel free to join and I will rank you. I will be giving ownership to Nebbers or Coffee if either of them join. All ranks except for gajin and Tyrule can make channels freely whenever they wish. The link is Just copy and paste it into your browser, have fun and DON'T ABUSE POWER!


  • DirewolfofDoom
    When you want to talk to people when building something together feel free to make a new room, if you are done talking everyone would appreciate it if you'd delete the private channel you made :smile:

    Zebra is the Discord Owner for now, if an admin comes on he will give all the powers that come with it to him
    Have fun talking while building :smiley:
  • DirewolfofDoom
    Here is a non time-sensitive one
    Thanks for letting us know!