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Oranjestad Liquidation Sale | Phase One

edited April 2018 in Shire Global News
Oranjestad announces Liquidation Sale

By order of Lord Nebbers, the long-rumored Oranjestad de-colonization efforts will begin with the sale of three Oranjestad-controlled colonies. The colonies will sold off individually.

Per the contract rules, winning bidders may not alter historical signage. Original buildings must not deleted, but may be expanded, remodeled, or otherwise altered. This does not include fencing or colonial boundary walls - these can be removed if desired. The colony can be expanded and new buildings can be added as necessary. If the winning bidder opts to change the name or colonial banners, a historical statue or plaque must be constructed to preserve its original heritage. Wiki entries will be updated by Lord Nebbers only to reflect the new ownership.

Colonies currently for sale:

Buckingham Green | X:-4625 Z: 6540, southwest of Fulfwotz.

Blackmill | X: 2290 Z: -4870, northwest of Quarterstone.

Garbanzo | X: -2939 Z: -463, northwest of Stonegate.

Lord Nebbers will be accepting any and all manner of bids, either privately or publicly via the forum. Bidding starts immediately and will run through April 17. Oranjestad intends to reduce its overall holdings and will not accept other lands in exchange for these colonies.

Additional sales will depend on the success of this first offering.
Post edited by nebbers on


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  • Member, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    Solurian Empire representatives are currently in discussion as to the purchasing price of Buckingham Green, and possible trade avenues into the Demmatrodine such an acquisition would open.

    What opening price would Lord Nebbers be willing to put forth to begin the bidding process?
  • Options
    Any and all manner of bids are accepted - whether it's monetary or not
  • Member, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    Real estate agents will be out Wednesday to examine the property and determine an adequate opening bid
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  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    My offer for Buckingham Green is continuing to back up and maintain the server
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    I would like to buy blackmill. If it is taken then garbanzo would be lovely, and vice versa. This shall be a lovely land to explore, settle, and totally not exploit.

    Just a warning. Some lovely embassadors have been heard to made threats. They do seem intent on Buckingham.
  • Options
    Fine, @CoffeeAndChill, but you can only play that card once. There will be other sales... so use it wisely.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    nebbers wrote: »
    you can only play that card once

    we'll see about that
  • Arbiter
    edited April 2018
    the NSE offers the Venezian Commonwealth the town of Yara in exchange for Buckingham Green in order to better consolidate its authority within the Demmatrodine @CoffeeAndChill
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    the NSE offers the Venezian Commonwealth the town of Yara in exchange for Buckingham Green in order to better consolidate its authority within the Demmatrodine @CoffeeAndChill

    thank you for your offer.

    your offer has been refused, as it does not fit with the Venezian Commonwealth's strategic plan.

    best wishes for you and your empire
  • Options
    The newly revealed Geheimnissen empire would like to offer a trade of thousands of Watts. We can provide 100A for power drawn from our reserves. We have been watching the shire for sometime and decided to reveal ourselves.
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    the NSE would like to remind one of its closest allies of our mutual respect for our spheres of influence

    the NSE urges the Venezian Commonwealth to reconsider and would be obliged to allow the Commonwealth to exchange Buckingham Green for an NSE village of its choosing, pending approval from the Office of the Emperor, Office of the High Chancellor, and Ministry of State
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    The Equos government will offer 10% in stocks in Equos Entertainment Group llc in exchange for Blackmill
  • Options
    We have watched the shire grow for a while. You may have not known us, but we helped many countries start. We helped the human race expanded when it seemed nessesary. We gave many of our primite and old technology to many places, without making it seem like it was ours.

    Due to this, The Geheimnissen Empire has decided to raise their offer. We will offer our master builders, technicians, reactor managers, and others help you with well being. In doing so, you will be the top technology based country in the world. We will be at the same level of power.

    We only know have revealed ourselves because we saw fit to do so. You are coming into contact with what we had struggled with over 500 years ago. In fact, we have our people among many countries, empires, and towns. Many are in high commands of power, and so we do have a strong presence. We will not be happy if we are ignored or someone dissmissed us.

    This is now the Geheimnissen Empire's offer.
  • Member, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    After further investigation by real estate experts of the Solurian Empire, and upon discovering that Buckingham Green is not, in fact, green (as it is located in a desert), the Solurian Empire would like to withdraw its offer of purchase.

    Instead, representatives of the Solurian Empire would prefer to aid the NSE in purchase of this territory to further cement the close trade and economical ties between the two empires. To secure this end, officials of the Solurian Empire have commented that they are willing to negotiate significant economical incentives to Lord Nebbers and leaders of the NSE.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer

    the NSE would like to remind one of its closest allies of our mutual respect for our spheres of influence

    the NSE urges the Venezian Commonwealth to reconsider and would be obliged to allow the Commonwealth to exchange Buckingham Green for an NSE village of its choosing, pending approval from the Office of the Emperor, Office of the High Chancellor, and Ministry of State

    We'll take Little Wangleton.
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    please choose an Enpeecee-majority village for the purposes of this exchange
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    We understand that many countries, nations, and others would like to acquire these pieces of land. We only want one colony. We understand that Buckingham Green has been taken off the markey. We would like to aquire Blackmill or Garbanzo.

    We would like to remind others that unbeknownst to many (with the exception of high ranking officals) we have supplied many communities with power. We would be happy to share the secrets of "advanced" power.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    IapetusII wrote: »
    We understand that many countries, nations, and others would like to acquire these pieces of land. We only want one colony. We understand that Buckingham Green has been taken off the markey. We would like to aquire Blackmill or Garbanzo.

    We would like to remind others that unbeknownst to many (with the exception of high ranking officals) we have supplied many communities with power. We would be happy to share the secrets of "advanced" power.

    Venice wants nothing to do with your nation fuelled by nuclear power and fracking
  • Options

    Venice wants nothing to do with your nation fuelled by nuclear power and fracking

    We understand why you would not want that. However, we abandoned that we practice a long time ago. We also would like to remind you, that Venice is the main depleter of our energy.
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    Final call! Winning bids will be selected in 10-12 hours.
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    the NSE kindly bids on the village of Buckingham Green, offering Lord Nebbers ownership of Bluepointe Manor
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    The Historical Preservation Society of Laurelian has just been granted funding and support from the Kiinthira to bid on the town of Blackmill for purposes of both discovering and preserving the important history of the location. The HPSL would like to see Blackmill maintained with a sense of dignity and pride while also having the town open for visitors hoping to "step back in time" while learning more about the Shire's rich history through hands-on experience.

    The Historical Preservation Society of Laurelian thanks you for your time and consideration.
  • Options
    Again, we would like to tip our hat the the great leadership who has run these extraordinary towns before us. Although we may not be able to live up to the grand expectations who had easily done the tasks that the people wanted.

    We hope to acquire Garbanzo and preserve the histoical town. We will have it well kept and made into a grand historical site. We hope to expand the town and get it up to date on technology. We hope to restore the grand surrounding lsnd, which has been polluted by another nation. We have the technology to make this beautiful town a center of commerce.

    Along with supporting this, we will help you (if you need it) advance in technology. We will always support those who help us.

    Thank you and we hope to be talking again soon

    The Empire of Geheimnisse


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