Clouds Clouds Airship Belthil Tower Nether Temple
📚 Learn more about The Shire's history on our Timeline. 🕰


I ate peanut butter sandwich


  • Foxytisy
    Foxytisy found something in the Treasure Hunt
    I found a Turkey Egg in the treasure hunt!
    November 29
  • Foxytisy
    Foxytisy found something in the Treasure Hunt
    I found a Turkey Egg in the treasure hunt!
    November 29
  • Foxytisy
    Foxytisy found something in the Treasure Hunt
    I found a Turkey Egg in the treasure hunt!
    November 29
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Fox Valley Central to Kettulaakso in 47 seconds.
    September 29
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Fox Valley Central to Kettulaakso in 44 seconds.
    September 28
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Kettulaakso to Rókavölgy in 34 seconds.
    September 28
  • Foxytisy
    Foxytisy changed their profile picture.
    September 28
  • Foxytisy
    Foxytisy changed their profile picture.
    September 28
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Rókavölgy to Fox Valley Harbour in 5 minutes and 47 seconds.
    September 11
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Spawn to Acadie in 12 minutes and 10 seconds.
    September 9
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Laurelian Port to Dawn Mountain Ski Resort in 5 minutes and 39 seconds.
    September 1
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Kettulaakso to Fox Valley Harbour in 58 minutes and 35 seconds.
    August 27
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Fox Valley Central to Kettulaakso in 58 seconds.
    August 27
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Fox Valley Central to Rókavölgy in 1 minute and 53 seconds.
    August 25
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Hafenstadt Central to Krain in 6 minutes.
    August 15
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Cherrymont to Hafenstadt Central in 13 minutes and 41 seconds.
    August 15
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Fox Valley Central to Cherrymont in 2 minutes and 26 seconds.
    August 15
  • Foxytisy
    Travelled from Spawn to Fox Valley Central in 5 minutes and 38 seconds.
    August 15

Railway Status

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