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Membership - graysonG

Hello, my name is Grayson and I am 11 years old. My friend recently showed me The Shire, and i was amazed with it. I started playing Minecraft a bout 6 months ago, and I LOVE IT! over a few months, i have built a prison, a castle in which i am the king, and replica of Mushroom Kingdom from Mario 64. I would love to build architectural structures on your server, if you let me.
Welcome, GraysonG! Your application has been accepted, congrats! I'm glad you applied, and on behalf of all of us I welcome you to the Shire
As a Tyrule, you can now build at /warp Tyrule! There are materials for building under that warp. To claim a plot, do /plotme auto, then do /plotme home to warp back to your plot at any time! If at any point you think your build is good enough to be reviewed for the Yeoman promotion, just ask any of the staff (or other helpful members); and if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!
My main point of advice to you is to keep your Tyrule build simple and quick, so as to get you to Yeoman where you can conquer the wilderness as fast as possible Good luck!
Promoted to Tyrule and discussion closed1
This discussion has been closed.