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Membership - Legit_Batman

Member, Retired Staff
Hello, my name is Spencer. You likely know me as Batman. 
I am here right now to request a demotion back to Tyro, or Tyrule, as you young and hip people address them. In my absence, I did not expect to return to my Arbiter permissions. Nor did I expect to return at all. Yet here I am, in your presence. Sadly, one thing did leave me, and that was my knowledge and skill at building. Granted, it wasn't amazing to begin with, but I would be lucky to make a build that is worthy of Maven at this point. So, since my skills are quite similar to that of my original self when I joined years ago, I think it's a fitting time for me to ask this of you. I won't be losing anything. The only thing that would change is my motivation to build. I will dearly miss all my commands, along with creative, but I remember a time where getting a new rank on this server was heavenly. To me, it's a worthy sacrifice. I long for it, and I wish to get into the mentality of unleashing my creativity for an amazing reward again. Since I've returned, I've been chatting non-stop, and perhaps been getting on the nerves of some players by how much I have been doing so. If you'd like to give me a distraction, so you can make me shut up, this can be your chance. So there's that. I'm only asking that you give my time here purpose. It inspires me to see people I've known for so long improve in their craft, and I'm slowly feeling the urge to get into it as well. 

P.S. I was told to write this. So. If this doesn't actually work, feel free to just laugh at the fact I'm posting in the Join Us section. 


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  • Lord
    edited September 2015
    Welcome, Bat! Your application has been accepted. We're very happy you're joining us on the Shire.......again.  

    You can now build in /warp tyrule where you'll find everything you need to show us your style and skill level and hopefully join us in the main world.

    A few tyrule tips:
    - All your materials will be under the Tyrule spawn. Just right click the "free" signs
    - All tools and enchantments can be found in one of the spawn corners. Signs will lead you there. Just right click the signs for the tools and then with the tool equipped, right click the enchantment signs
    - You can be assigned a plot by doing /plotme auto and then /plot home to get to it
    - Your tyrule build does not have to be huge or elaborate. Just something that gives us an idea of your style and skill level 

    Please feel free to ask us any questions either here or in game. We're happy to help. And if you need assistance from a staff member, we're the folks with either blue or gold titles. =)

    Promoted to Tyrule!! 
  • Options
    0031benjay I wish i could "haha" this like 50 more times
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