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Membership - Zyphoenix

Zyphoenix Member
edited January 2014 in Archived Applications
Yo yo yo Zyphoenix in the house! Well I tried to have some sort of creative opener. Maybe make this discussion slightly more interesting then the numerous ones that you have probably read before this? Anyway. I was referred to the server by a real life friend of mine who goes by the username of About12Eskimos. He told me that he used to play on this server and that I should try it out. I play pretty similarly to him, building in creative being our favorite part of the game. Currently we hang out on a private FTB server that he hosts. I have a couple ideas for some cool builds I'd like to try creating on the server, and definitely am not an immatue player. I have innate knowledge of both world edit and voxel sniper and have been on many other creative servers. The reason, I have been told, that the Shire stands out from massive servers like Mithrintia is the small tightly knit community. I'd like to be part of that community. Oh by the way, I speak Japanese. So if anyone else does I'd love to practice :D Additionally, I am 17 and live in the US of A.

Well, I hope to see you online :D 

P.S. Not single, sorry to any resident ladies. ;D


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