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Calling out to creative minds! (or literally just anyone who loves films and a good chat)

Member, Wiki Editor
So, as a few of you may already know, I'm entering the stage in film class where we're starting the pre-production of our final films. Literally my final film in high school, and also in this bloody painful-af education programme. And so comes the time where I'd love to discuss my ideas with people.
As soon as I sort out all my essay shizzles, and other problems I gotta clear up (*cough*bio*cough*maths*cough*psych*cough* [sorry guys, I've got a horrible cough here]), I wanna start a discussion group of sorts on Skype—maybe next week sometime. It will likely just turn out to be me throwing out ideas, and then yall throwing comments/ideas back, and just everyone throwing everything around. A lot of throwing => bring helmets and face protection. (It may also get a little technical, but I can always explain that stuffles in less technical-terms should it come up...)
Anyone interested?
I do already have an idea set—sort of—so I'll introduce it briefly here. For starters, it's a spoof on horror. Yup, you got that right: I'm pulling all the clichés. (I'll also be making a lot of references to various horror films... tennis ball, anyone? x3) BUT this is also a film about making film. Along with pulling all the horror clichés, I'll be bringing in stereotypes of various film crew positions (e.g. director, producer, dop, sound director, composer, etc.). Oh, and of course, it can't be an Alexandria Lim production if it doesn't have a twist ending... A twist ending that I won't discuss here. I'd have to explain a whole bunch of other stuffles to get there and have it make some sort of sense... =.="
Lemme know in a comment below if you wanna help me out in this discussion group!
OH ALSO ONE MORE THING... I figure it's not very likely, but I'll just put this out there... So, one of the IB Film submission rules is that I have to have original music... If y'all happen to know composers (or be composers) that might be able to help me out, I'd love to be introduced to some—or one.
Thankiez, guys! x333
Sounds awesome! I'll totally be all ears and talk movie stuffs with the group.
I don't know shit about movie making but I'll contribute what I can
Also - that first idea sounds awesome and has potential to be pretty hilarious!1 -
I will also assist if I can :P with magical rainbows of doom3
This sounds interesting!
actually it's quite a coincidence that I started writing a couple of songs this week with a sheet music programme - idk how I'd convert that into a programme which plays decent instruments (maybe garageband?)
Post edited by Mieshoa on2