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2015 Census Results are IN!

Member, Wiki Editor
So you guys may remember that back in like October the SIA (see: me) conducted a census of the server. 

Well, a few months later and after spending some time analyzing the twenty responses I received, I have made a "Census Museum" in the Shire History Library, which is the big building left of the spawn and down the road a bit. Walk in and go to the left to see all of the facts and figures and what not about all of us! It was a lot of fun doing this, and I plan on doing a 2016 Census in June or so, so keep an eye out for it! 

If you have any questions about the census or the data I collected, feel free to leave a comment or message me! 


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  • Member, Wiki Editor

    I realized I had to name all of the pets so that they wouldn't disappear or die, so if I was provided names, I used them lol.
  • Options
    I didnt see my dog... did I not give you a name when I filled out the census? :(
  • Member, Wiki Editor

    You did. I think it's in there, I remember adding you dog. It's more a matter if you can see her, as there are a lot of dogs in there and it may be hard to see! 


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