Clouds Clouds Airship Belthil Tower Nether Temple
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So first I wanted to start by commending this server for truly being one of a kind. The simplicity is great, and the people really have a way of keeping you around. It seems like the Shire has some aura around it that just keeps people here. However, I was doing some thinking, and I thought maybe it would be cool to have other motivators for building things besides a building competition. So my idea is that the monthly build competition would continue as it does, and on top of that, there be other smaller challenges that would yield rewards that are smaller than what you typically can ask for from a bc. I didn't put much thought into rewards, but maybe if you win 3 consecutive smaller challenges in a row you rank up or something. Or maybe the smaller rewards are just access to commands like kittencannon or something, IDK. I didn't put thought into rewards. I more so put my thought into other types of competitions we could have besides just the bc every month. 

So I was thinking, maybe on top of the bc, there is a group of people or person that issue personal challenges to you just to push your building style and limit. It could really help push people toward building better. Or, if them being personalized isn't something we like, maybe just do a 3 day long mini-bc type thing where the themes are "fountains" or "statues". That's really all i got for now, but if I think of more ill update. Feel free to post your comments and suggestions here if you like the idea.
