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Ben's Comeback Tour Part II

Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
edited April 2016 in General Chat
As some of you may recall, I announced the news that Ben will be having a comeback tour that reaches Knavobuki on April 17th! After a brief conversation with Ben, regarding whether this would still happen, he said that, assuming his wifi is okay, the event shall still happen! As with all events I've hosted or co-hosted in the past, I always think it's a good idea to see how many of you are available that day. I thought this would also be a good idea to just get us all back together since the Shire has been having another quiet period. Of course, that could very well also be a sign that very few of you are available so this vote is very important, especially since there is only one day that Ben can do.

As for what time the event shall happen, I'll speak with Ben on the matter, but please leave your opinion on when it should be held, or if that doesn't matter for you :)

In terms of what will happen at the event... I'm not sure. I expect that most of it will be impromptu and we'll make something entertaining for you on the actual day xD It'd be fun if it could be like the Shire Open Mic though (like if Ben invited some of y'all up onto the stage) and I was also thinking of inviting a very SPECIAL GUEST to perform with Ben, who you may remember from me and Lia's wedding ;)

PS: This event may well be cancelled if very few of you can make it (since it's a Sunday, which tends to be a quiet day) but I hope that many of you will be able to come! Love ya much <3
Post edited by Mieshoa on


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    If it's not too late I'll be coming, got an exam the day after! :)
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    I thought there was supposed to be a Trump rally at this venue on the 17th.
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    That happened today! Photos of the event can be found below;
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    edited April 2016
    As always, Monday for me! xD Sorry... I might not be able to make it... ;~;
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Ah.. I also forgot to point out that my StealthVPN part of my VPN has been extremely wishy-washy as of late... Whiiich is part of the reason why I haven't been online much lately ;~; So if I can make it... it really depends on whether StealthVPN wants to connect or not. ;~;
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    [quote="Liandria21;5410"]Ah.. I also forgot to point out that my StealthVPN part of my VPN has been extremely wishy-washy as of late... Whiiich is part of the reason why I haven't been online much lately ;~; So if I can make it... it really depends on whether StealthVPN wants to connect or not. ;~;[/quote]

    Aww that's alright Lia! I hope to see you there but if you can't make it it's absolutely fine :)
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    Ben has told me that the event should preferably be hold around late Saturday night/Sunday morning (in the UK). Although this is a vague time, this probably means that the event will be held in the early-ish evening for Americans (probably 7pm or 9pm) and early morning for any Europeans (maybe around 12am or 2am). Those are all just predictions though - I hope this isn't an inconvenience for any of you!
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    [quote="Mieshoa;5422"]***IMPORTANT UPDATE***
    Ben has told me that the event should preferably be hold around late Saturday night/Sunday morning (in the UK). Although this is a vague time, this probably means that the event will be held in the early-ish evening for Americans (probably 7pm or 9pm) and early morning for any Europeans (maybe around 12am or 2am). Those are all just predictions though - I hope this isn't an inconvenience for any of you!

    Then I miiiight possibly be able to make it if my vpn will cooperate [and if I actually wake up in time]! =D It shoooouuuuuld be early morning for me, to my calculations... (12am = 7am // 2am = 9am I think...) <33
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    [quote="Mieshoa;5422"]***IMPORTANT UPDATE***
    Ben has told me that the event should preferably be hold around late Saturday night/Sunday morning (in the UK). Although this is a vague time, this probably means that the event will be held in the early-ish evening for Americans (probably 7pm or 9pm) and early morning for any Europeans (maybe around 12am or 2am). Those are all just predictions though - I hope this isn't an inconvenience for any of you!
    Then I miiiight possibly be able to make it if my vpn will cooperate [and if I actually wake up in time]! =D It shoooouuuuuld be early morning for me, to my calculations... (12am = 7am // 2am = 9am I think...) <33

    Yayy :D I hope I'll see you then :D
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    I will try to be there, lol. I start work at 10am on Sunday, so I may not be around - but I will try my best!
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    [quote="Lord_Drekar;5426"]I will try to be there, lol. I start work at 10am on Sunday, so I may not be around - but I will try my best![/quote]
    That's okay drek :) I hope I see you there but if work is a priority that's fine!
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer


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