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Who made this?

CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer

...and does it have a name?



  • nebbers
    nebbers Lord
    edited May 2016
    Shanevr made that.  I think I made the road to it?  I doubt it has a name.  Call it Nahgah Be-here No'Mo' Castle.  (assuming you wanted to move it) :)
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    edited May 2016
    I don't want to move it, I just annexed it with the Venezia Overground and wanted to know what to call the station :P Do you have a (slightly) shorter name?

  • Maybe make a "Medieval Times" dinner theatre? Or just call it Shane's Castle?
  • Hay
    Hay Lord
    I second the Medieval Times. I don't think we have enough dinner theater places on the Shire. xD