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Languages (because they sound nice)

Member, Wiki Editor
Since I'm Singaporean, I grew up knowing 3 languages: English, Mandarin, and Singlish (because let's be real here—nobody really understands Singlish unless they understand Singlish. It is literally so broken and altered that it's its own language). Buuuuuuuuut... I have 2 languages that I have promised myself I'd learn to speak before I die [on the basis that they—in my opinion—are beautiful languages].

What are they, you ask? Japanese and Italian! I'm sort of almost at a half-way mark with Japanese, but that's because I've got plenty of exposure with it. I've studied it by myself, but school had quite a few Japanese students who help me out as well, and my cousin is a Japanese fanatic. I don't have that kind of exposure with Italian at all =.=" 

But guys. I'm going to be learning Italian now =DD And it's in exchange for helping the person with English to pass their TOEFL exam. This is the best deal I've made ever. I get to help a person out with my [second] favourite subject—which makes it not stressful [or obligatory-like] at all, and in exchange for doing something I'd happily voluntarily do anyways, I get to learn another language I've always wanted to learn! =DD

Suffice to say, I'm extremely excited about this.


  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Man, props to you. Seriously, I did two years of online German and don't remember a single thing XD 

    Have fun learning italian! 


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