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Membership - ASThome

ASThome Member
edited June 2016 in Archived Applications
Country: USA

Well, I found this server on Reddit (, just like many of the new applicants I'm sure. First off, I gotta say that Shirecraft is awesome. The detail and dedication with every build is phenomenal! Not to mention everyone on the server has been helpful and nice to me in chat, especially when I ask questions. These things, along with my love of Minecraft(of course) and building, are why I want to be able to contribute to this server. I think I will have the most fun collaborating on projects with others, and generally helping others with their builds, as well as adding some builds of my own.

 As far as interesting facts go, I am a Junior at one of the top 50 high schools in the United States, and I am studying/planning on going to college to get my degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. I love everything about computers and coding! The languages I am fluent in or learning are Java, HTML, CSS, C++, Swift, and Objective C. My other big interest is gaming. It's what I spend the rest of my time that I'm not working on computers doing. 

Thank you for reading this app, I know it didn't need to be this long but I am very impressed with your server and community, and I can't wait to join!


  • Sammiches822
    Welcome to our server, AST! Or should I say our server! GreatYour application has been approved, and you have been promoted to Tyrule. Here's some useful tips:
    • You can find all the materials you need underneath the Tyrule spawn (/warp tyrule). You can also find an enchantment area in the corners of the spawn; right click the appropriate signs to get the tool, and do the same with the enchantment signs to receive the desired enchantment.
    • Use /plotme auto to automatically be assigned to a plot (or /plotme claim if you find an empty plot that you find especially empty and appealing) and /plotme home to teleport to it.
    • Keep your build simple; a whole town is not necessary, a small (but detailed) build will suffice. 
    Once you're finished with your build, let a Lord or Arbiter know so you can be promoted to the next rank,Yeoman. You can also approach us for any other questions you might have. Good luck, and have fun playing with us!
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