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Hey, this is SimCS. I ran across your server on reddit and thought I was very cool and interesting. There was a diverse range of building styles and techniques that make the place feel authentic. The chat atmosphere when I came on was very nice and 'chill' which is refreshing and I'd like to join in on that. I would like to build sometimes if I ever get the urge to take on some massive project and hate myself or just make something small and quaint.

My name is Chris, I'm 19 years old and I live in the USA, specifically TN. I've haven't been playing Minecraft much recently due to busy life stuffs and all but I was an avid user for about 3 years previously. I love building and exploring what others have made. It fascinates me to see what people can create. I at one time had a city/country I was building up to either release publicly as a map or server. I nearly finished one whole city before losing the server I hosted it on. That is mainly the reason why I stopped playing but I am happy to have archived all the work I did in pictures. If you want to see my building style look at my post history on either my reddit account SimCS (now dead as I moved onto another account) or my abandoned SimDaBuilder account on instagram. I'm really proud of the work I did. Now that all the depressing stuff is out of the way I can tell you some about me. I'm 19, soon going off to college in Oregon, and am currently working a summer job. I love architecture, which I am majoring in, and I love to draw and make art and write. Also a geography nerd. Oh and I browse reddit endlessly which you probably could have guessed. Anyway that's about it.



  • Options
    Welcome to our server, Sim! Or should I say our server! AmazingYour application has been approved, and you have been promoted to Tyrule. Here's some useful tips:
    • You can find all the materials you need underneath the Tyrule spawn (/warp tyrule). You can also find an enchantment area in the corners of the spawn; right click the appropriate signs to get the tool, and do the same with the enchantment signs to receive the desired enchantment.
    • Use /plotme auto to automatically be assigned to a plot (or /plotme claim if you find an empty plot that you find especially empty and appealing) and /plotme home to teleport to it.
    • Keep your build simple; a whole town is not necessary, a small (but detailed) build will suffice. 
    Once you're finished with your build, let a Lord or Arbiter know so you can be promoted to the next rank,Yeoman. You can also approach us for any other questions you might have. Good luck, and have fun playing with us!
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