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PsYcHoX88's XArena Lounges!

PsYcHoX88 Member
edited January 2014 in Gameplay
XArena Lounge Spaces

Hey guys, I made a map that shows the available and taken lounges in my arena. Just wanted to tell all the members that you may come to the arena and take whatever Lounge you want that is marked Empty on the map. This map was made as of 29th of January, 2014, so I won't be updating the map every time, please put a sign for your lounge above the door showing it is yours so no one else can claim it.

I already have a few members in the arena, but there is still plenty of space left!

The Lounges are on the y=79 level, completely surrounded by glass panes. My Arena isn't finished yet, but I just wanted to get the lounges spaces out to you guys! :)

Rules: You can do whatever you want in your lounge, look at the already existing lounges by some members for examples... you can even change the floor, but you can't change the walls. Note: For ceilings, some lounges are under hallways above which complicate ceiling decorations. For instance, Drekar's lounge has redstone lights in his ceiling because he is not under a hallway, and doesn't affect the area above, whereas Mieshoa's is tricky.

Any questions don't be afraid to ask me here or in-game! I have no warp yet but to get as close to the arena as possible, use /warp leuton (Lbrewer's town) and then head North for a bit to get to my town. I wrote the XYZ coordinates on the map.

Thanks guys! and thanks to those who already have lounges: Lbrewer, dracolich, mlhenry, drekar, JLord, Mieshoa, andrewpo, ShireTransitAuthority STA.