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Membership - Tromin

Hi, I'm Tromin. I discovered this server through my brother who sent me a link to imgur. This server is incredible and I'd love to be able to build on it and become a member of the community.

My name is Ben, I'm 15, and I live in Massachusetts. I've been playing Minecraft for about 4 years now, and during that time have learned multiple building techniques, specifically utilizing stairs. While I am personally interested in modern architecture, I usually find myself creating Victorian era/ Medieval buildings in Minecraft. I enjoy attempting to create as much detail as I possibly can with the limited resources and shapes of which Minecraft supplies the builder. This usually makes my builds smaller, but intensely packed with detail. I love drawing, and have recently expanded my interests to digital art and animation. I have also been collecting old video games for about three years now, and have gotten my collection past 300 games and 20 retro consoles. My interest in detail has been primarily formed by an interest in magnets. For about 4 years, I have slowly grown to collect over eight thousand 5mm in diameter magnet spheres that can connect to create spectacular works of geometric art (which must be destroyed to create the next one might I add :P) Either way, I hope you consider me as becoming a member, and thank you for your time!


  • Sammiches822
    Welcome to our server, Tromin! Or should I say our server! HoorayYour application has been approved, and you have been promoted to Tyrule. Here's some useful tips:
    • You can find all the materials you need underneath the Tyrule spawn (/warp tyrule). You can also find an enchantment area in the corners of the spawn; right click the appropriate signs to get the tool, and do the same with the enchantment signs to receive the desired enchantment.
    • Use /plotme auto to automatically be assigned to a plot (or /plotme claim if you find an empty plot that you find especially empty and appealing) and /plotme home to teleport to it.
    • Keep your build simple; a whole town is not necessary, a small (but detailed) build will suffice. 
    Once you're finished with your build, let a Lord or Arbiter know so you can be promoted to the next rank,Yeoman. You can also approach us for any other questions you might have. Good luck, and have fun playing with us!
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