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Paraiso Nawala Project

Doge Member
Paraiso Nawala means Paradise lost. This would be a small town in a very remote location. There would be underground rivers and waterfalls and Palm trees and it would be surrounded by mountains and the city style would be a Nordic style or Chinese style. This place would be a place of peace kinda like a monk temple type thing.
But I will need people to help with this if I do do it.
So tell me what you think of the idea.
And if you have any suggestions to add to this idea comment it below!


  • yes, gogogo
  • Doge
    Doge Member
    Ok any suggestions
  • Doge
    Doge Member
    Open to suggestions on ideas for the Town

  • I'm digging the palm trees with a chinese theme - I think that would be unique here
  • Doge
    Doge Member
    Ok good to hear! I think if I can pull it off right it will be really cool
  • Doge
    Doge Member
    Do you have any idea of where I could start the project?
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Doge ask a Lord or Arbiter when you're online :)
  • Doge
    Doge Member
    I also want to have a lure behind it and will need some help with that and I thing I am going to locate it on an island