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Membership - Wooders


Hey there,

I'm Wooders and I'd like to join your server.

My real name is Joe, I'm 20 years old from the UK.  I've played Minecraft since 2012, and have had the priveledge of being in some really cool communities.  I was a designer and staff member of FyreUK, helping to sort out and design their timelapses.  I've also been involved in MCGamer and Hypixel, having been a Creative Admin on the Hypixel Creative Server.  I'm now just looking for an awesome server to build on and clear my mind.  I intend to build a lot of towns and villages.  I'm well versed in a lot of themes, Japanese, Nordic and High Medieval, but I'm lookign to do some experimental builds in the future :)

Thank-you for reading my application,



  • Arcticstar
    Hello Wooders!

    Could we get to know a little bit about you as a person outside of Minecraft, too? Hobbies? What makes your clock tick in life? :)

  • Wooders
    Absolutely :)
    I've just finished my first year of uni studying International Relations (Turning out to be a very interesting Summer for me).  I'm a keen musician, I play Saxophone and piano, and sing in some cool places, like a Proms in September.  Uh, I enjoy helping people out, its why I've been a staff member on MC communities over the past 3 years, and I love relaxing and chatting with people whilst building :)
  • Sammiches822
    Welcome to our server, Wooders! Or should I say our server! HoorayYour application has been approved, and you have been promoted to Tyrule. Here's some useful tips:
    • You can find all the materials you need underneath the Tyrule spawn (/warp tyrule). You can also find an enchantment area in the corners of the spawn; right click the appropriate signs to get the tool, and do the same with the enchantment signs to receive the desired enchantment.
    • Use /plotme auto to automatically be assigned to a plot (or /plotme claim if you find an empty plot that you find especially empty and appealing) and /plotme home to teleport to it.
    • Keep your build simple; a whole town is not necessary, a small (but detailed) build will suffice. 
    Once you're finished with your build, let a Lord or Arbiter know so you can be promoted to the next rank,Yeoman. You can also approach us for any other questions you might have. Good luck, and have fun playing with us!

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