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Membership - iwantcoal

How do I begin. This server is a huge dose of nostalgia for me, as I haven't played vanilla minecraft for several years. In fact, the last version I played without mods was release 1.2. I started playing the game way back during Beta 1.4, influenced by youtube videos. The first video that got me interested in building was "building megaobjects in minecraft", where a man built what seemed to be a 1000 block wide Enterprise with bedrock. The video is still up, check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

Anyways, a little about myself. I am iwantcoal from Vancouver, and yes, it does mean I want coal. The story behind it is simple, I couldn't for the life of me find any coal while playing in beta 1.4. I won't go into the specifics about my age; all I will say is that I have graduated high school.
My building career was quite a rollercoaster ride, starting with a giant UFO that has a city on top of it. I never quite finished it, but it was a great experience to building big things. Following that, I found myself being whitelisted into a skyblock server, where I played for nearly a year and made my way into the Admins (well it's funny how I started building; I first made a small zepplin to "trick" the admins into giving me [constructor] which allowed me to use creative mode, and worked my way up from there). After obtaining creative mode, I went ham and made two spawns for the spawn competition as well as helping a fellow builder make his. One of them was a thin 200x50x60 cactus temple (that actually produces cactus and transports them using my patented compact piston lift), the other was a flying circular stone brick temple arena abomination that had a creeper face colored hedge maze under it (obviously you can't tell that it's a creeper unless you have xray), whose diameter was 80 blocks. Sadly, the server permanently closed before I can download either of those or finish my underground jumping puzzle.
Thus begins my modded minecraft journey. Got on a whitelist Tekkit server. Nothing too big at first, just a 50x50x40 geothermal power plant. Then, seeing that the previous build did not get griefed, I got ballsy and started building a 128x128x64 ice themed nuclear power plant that actually produced power with 2 CASUC reactors (many people built much bigger and better power plants later on, this was back in 2013). Lo and behold, griefers. Block protection didn't protect against gem armor abilities, and a guy blew it to smithereens before I could finish. He was banned, but blocklog didn't keep track of "supernatural" destructions.

Woops, there goes my minecraft career. Went on several more FTB servers, didn't build anything too fancy in fear of griefers--until summer 2014. I found a small community with only 20 active people, and made some good friends. We built a gigantic but messy AF main base (not proud) that looked like Venice on acid, and went on to create a lily pad shaped, 100 block radius secondary base. I had to use a computercraft turtle with a trigonometry program I wrote to help build the 100+ circles (the bottom was not flat), but other than that nothing was done because the server's tickrate dropped below 7 and eventually died due to lack of resources.
Last summer, I played with a single friend on a private server, making a pretty and grand base that quite sadly no one will see because the server got too laggy to even log on. Plus, it was heavily polluted with radiation from STUPID REACTORCRAFT REACTORS THAT CANNOT HANDLE CHUNK UNLOADING SOFSDOGJDOJSDD--
And that marks the end of my FTB career, the latest version of MC I played was 1.6.4 Techworld 2.

Absolutely nothing went on from 2015 summer till now.

I've since then turned my hobby to digital art, making some landscape paintings here and there (mostly terraria fanart). If you dare, find my deviantart page and try not to cringe. I have yet to upload my best 2, so keep refreshing. The Shire was what I wanted for years--a server that does not reset. On the server, my favourite is the train system. I am a big fan of transit systems, being a player of Cities:Skylines. Besides that, I also adore strongly thematic and original builds--as inspired by Super Hostile--which does not include houses. To me, houses are all the same, no matter how many floors or what coloured roof it has. (btw I'm a huge fan of FyreUK--Aquila FTW!) The Shire is what I imagine a true Minecraft city to be like: cohesive, vast and multicultural with a community behind it. You can expect me to build anything that hasn't been built (at least  any times) already, I'm a hipster at this subject! It's also my dream to work on group builds; even though I do not have a mic, I will try to be useful.
If you asked for screenshots of my builds, I unfortunately cannot provide them as they have all been wiped out along with my 4 year old laptop that I used to use. Use your imagination!

Finally, I found this server while looking up Berkshire-Hathaway. Go figure.


  • Mieshoa
    Mieshoa Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff

    Welcome to the Shire, iwantcoal! :) Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Tyrule - this is where your Shire adventures shall begin! With this newly acquired rank, you can start building at /warp Tyrule 

    Here are a few tips to help you;

    • At Tyrule there are various boards filled with information about the server ranking, history and rules - I would reccomend giving them a read!
    • Tyrules are all set to survival mode, therefore, all supplies for building can be found underneath /warp Tyrule instead of having to gather and craft these resources. Just right click the [Free] sign of the desired resource of your choice
    • Tools and enchanting signs can be found at the South East corner of /warp Tyrule - to acquire a tool, right click one of the signs, and to enchant it, hold the tool and right click one of the [Enchant] signs. Tools are very handy as they allow you to easily edit and destroy your build.
    • Tyrules build in a plotworld - to claim a plot automatically, do /plotme auto or hover over an empty, untaken plot and do /plotme claim - you can access your plot anytime by doing /plotme home
    • Keep in mind, that your build does not have to be huge nor extremely detailed, as long as we get a sense of your building style - a smaller build can be ample too :)

    Once your build is complete, or if you wish to ask any questions, contact a member of staff - these are the members with blue titles or gold titles.

    I hope you have a lovely experience playing on the Shire! :)

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