Welcome to the Shire, AblockheadE! We will happily accept both you and your son! Please note that the age range for players on Shirecraft can literally be anywhere between 15 to 50 so we can not assure that the chat will be completely clean but we will try and moderate the chat and keep it as clean as possible if/when your son logs on. Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Tyrule - this is where your Shire adventures shall begin! With this newly acquired rank, you can start building at /warp Tyrule
Here are a few tips to help you;
- At Tyrule there are various boards filled with information about the server ranking, history and rules - I would reccomend giving them a read!
- Tyrules are all set to survival mode, therefore, all supplies for building can be found underneath /warp Tyrule instead of having to gather and craft these resources. Just right click the [Free] sign of the desired resource of your choice
- Tools and enchanting signs can be found at the South East corner of /warp Tyrule - to acquire a tool, right click one of the signs, and to enchant it, hold the tool and right click one of the [Enchant] signs. Tools are very handy as they allow you to easily edit and destroy your build.
- Tyrules build in a plotworld - to claim a plot automatically, do /plotme auto or hover over an empty, untaken plot and do /plotme claim - you can access your plot anytime by doing /plotme home
- Keep in mind, that your build does not have to be huge nor extremely detailed, as long as we get a sense of your building style - a smaller build can be ample too
Once your build is complete, or if you wish to ask any questions, contact a member of staff - these are the members with blue titles or gold titles.
I hope you have a lovely experience playing on the Shire!