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Membership - Arrow (ArrowWolfe)

Age: 16
Country: USA, NY

Well, I would like to join the Shire because I've been looking for a good building community for MONTHS, and after spending a few hours exploring and speaking to fellow players I found myself very comfortable in this servers setting. I'm hoping to bring my building skills and personality to the Shire and hopefully have a good impact on the community. Maybe even inspire people with my creations. Other than Minecraft I enjoy playing Basketball, Lacrosse and Xbox. (Typical Gamer. Right?). I found the server when I was scrolling through my Apple News Feed with the article Cinema Belnd did on the server found here. Some interesting facts are that I've been staff on multiple servers, built countless mob arenas and cities on Xbox and other servers. I like more medieval builds in particular.

Thanks for reading,


  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Hey Arrow,

    Thank you for your membership application.

    I've promoted you to our Tyrule rank.

    You may now build at /warp tyrule where you'll find everything you need to show us your style and skill level and hopefully join us in the main world.

    If you don't like the idea of building for ranks, we have a survival world! Now that you're a Tyrule, you can go to '/warp survival' - anything built in the survival world does not count towards a promotion.

    A few tyrule tips:
    - All your materials will be under the Tyrule spawn. Just right click the "free" signs
    - All tools and enchantments can be found in one of the spawn corners. Signs will lead you there. Just right click the signs for the tools and then with the tool equipped, right click the enchantment signs
    - You can be assigned a plot by doing /plotme auto and then /plot home to get to it
    - Your tyrule build does not have to be huge or elaborate. Just something that gives us an idea of your style and skill level

    Please feel free to ask us any questions either here or in game. We're happy to help you. And if you need assistance from a staff member, we're the folks with either blue or gold titles.

    Looking for inspiration? Check out these warps:
    /warp Laurelian
    /warp Valashu
    /warp Floffwym
    /warp StormEnds
    /warp Havana
    /warp Sravasti

    Best wishes,

    The Shire's staff team
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