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A plan for if the railway breaks again

dogforcerecon Member
edited June 2016 in Gameplay
With the railway breaking we need an alternative for if the plugin breaks again. A solution to this problem could be an emergency railroad system.
Post edited by CoffeeAndChill on


  • Morris_h
    Morris_h Member, Wiki Editor
    edited June 2016
    A much as it's a convenience, it's quite a big hassle to remake everything especially since most mechanisms require modifications to function (some rails are over 1k blocks long between stops and would take forever to traverse without the plugin, booster rails aren't always installed either). plus non modded systems tend to be quite a bit bulkier than what was offered from plugins, which some stations may not be able to handle. 

    just my $.02 though
  • nebbers
    We just need ShireRail plugin® - an updated version of the broken plugin we need :)