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Mojave Radio: Cactus County Changes

In order to facilitate the electorates wishes we have worked on a list of three goals to be done when in the next two months.
1. Our cities will be more dense due to a plan for 2 new dense districts. One in the Mojave and one in the northern hills of the Sierra Madre.
2.A weak form of federal government will be made with a capital TBD. People that did not want a federal government will be happy to know that all territories that wish to be part of a unitary government will not be changed. Basically we will have two parts of our nation. Those that want to be part of Cactus Province and those who wish to apply for borough status which will allow you to be part of a new federal government based in a city TBD. Carson City will stay the capital of the nation and of the province
3. The thing that was unanimously voted on-a commercial district. There will be a new CBD to the west of the city on and island in the lake.

Mojave Radio out with your local news.