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STA Announces completion of Southeast Shire Highway Extension


EBETHRON CITY - The Shire Transportation Administration has announced today the completion of a major highway extension.  The new highway, thus far unnamed, extends the previous highway limits from the town of Clarisse to the far southeastern city of Kibarra.  The newly connected villages, towns, and cities include:

  • Eville
  • North Wall of the Lands of Gaya
  • Shire Zoo
  • Naoki
  • Ass Island
  • Shire Olympic Park
  • Snowy Mill
  • Equos Empire lands, including Kibarra
  • PigSumo Arena
  • Shadowfell
  • Aldham
  • Ren Fair
  • Mooshoo Island
(Those in Bold have /warp points)

Residents from as far away as Castle Argh in the southwest, Kraghal in the north west, and Rhius in the north east can all now travel by road to distant Kibarra. 

During construction, the STA was forced to relocate a prison that was in the path of the highway.  The prison has been relocated just east of Carvenhall.

The STA released a map of the new roads (highlighted in red): image

Rey Tisdayl, Clarisse: "I've had to hear construction crews hammering away for months! I'm just glad its over.

Ronald MacDowell, Ass Island: "The new road will make it easy to move out of this place... whoever named this island deserves a beating."

Gerald Snow, Snowy Mill: "This is where my tax dollars went.  No no, we don't need a school, or a hospital, or plumbing.... we need a big-ass road to nowhere.


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