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A Few Questions from a New Player

Wiki Editor
edited July 2016 in Support Area
I just finished my build in Tyrule and have a few questions about The Shire...
  • How do I get my Tyrule build reviewed so I can get promoted?
  • What counts as "The Wilderness" in the main world? Is it anywhere not near another build?
  • My Tyrule build is extremely simple and only took me a few hours to build. It isn't nearly as good as some Tyrule builds. Is that okay? Keep in mind that I will mostly be building small houses in the wilderness if I am promoted.
  • Why is the railway down and when will it be operational again?
Also, I just wanted to let you know that your server is out of date, it is still 1.9.4, while the Frostburn Update is 1.10.

Thanks for the help!


  • Options
    Hey Mythendor :) The staff on the server (yellow or blue titles) will review your build if you ask them when they are online :)

    Basically, not near other builds and not on the mainland. from the spawn, if you just fly out in a direction, eventually you'll get a chat message saying "wilderness" meaning you're in the wilderness region.

    The staff who review your Tyrule build will tell you if your build is good enough, or what they'd like to see you do to improve it :)

    The railway is down I think due to plugin problems - I'm not sure, Blitheness is the resident railway master.

    Finally, the server is out of date because we are waiting for a bunch of things we use to help run the server to get updated to 1.10 :) it's why the server is still 1.9.4 :) We'll update the server as soon as we are able. :)

    I hope this explains some things!
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    1. You wait until an available staff member is online, and ask them to review it. if accepted you will get your rank up after a 24 hour wait period

    2. the wilderness is not really a thing. the rules on building are if you have your build at least 100+ blocks away from anything other builds

    3. Your build might not be accepted once a staff first reviews it, but you have as many tries as you want so you can take your time (by the way, you can't really just build houses randomly in the wilderness, i'm pretty sure you need to do some sort of large build or town)

    4. The railway is out of date in 1.9.4, so we are waiting for the plugin to update for them to all work

    And i'm pretty sure we're all aware the server is not on the most recent version
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