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Project Proposal - Great Hall of Warps [PLEASE READ]
Hey Shirecraft, I would like to propose a project, but it needs a lot of consideration and help by you guys...
Okay, so the warp system is kind of out of control, and I would like to help fix it. Currently, the only good way to find warps is to look at the Server Map on this website, or to scroll through endless pages in the game chat. This makes it very hard for all the new Gaijins to explore all of the awesome builds. Due to all of the new articles about this server, there are many Gaijins looking to explore.
This morning, I discovered the self-guided tour at /warp tour. The tour ends at "the old warp room," with doorways to all the different warps. Also today, a new Gaijin asked if there was a "warp shop" where he could find a list of warps. I thought over all those things and came up with a solution...
I propose we create a huge version of the old warp room, as big as a building. In it, we have over 200 different portals, like in the old warp room, each one labeled with a short description of the destination. We can have a portal from the main spawn to The Great Hall of Warps, as I decided to call it, so all new Gaijins can easily access it. We can make the warps to important cities and the more special builds easy to spot, maybe surround them with gold or something, while the warps to smaller builds will be tiny.
I can handle the actual building of the Great Hall and the labeling of the warps, but I will need the admins to program the warps so they lead to the correct location.
So a few questions:
- What do you think? Could it be done, or should we just keep using the old warp system?
- What materials should it be made of? I was thinking Nether Brick, but that might be too dark.
- What warps are the most important?
- Where should we build it? It doesn't need to be near the spawn if we have a portal to it in the spawn.
- Are you confused about what I am asking? It is kind of hard to describe in a post...
Alternatively, I could just make a building full of signs listing the warps instead of making it full of portals, but that would be less grand and exiting.
Please comment what you think, especially if you are and admin.
This is an awesome idea myth!
Maybe you could add framed maps of the places the portals takes you to, for the big builds?
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Great idea! It would be great if we could add photos to signs so people could see the build, but we can't.1
I feel like this would really help. I remeber being confused by the amount of warps. If it's going to be a great hall, I feel like it should be made out of stone/whatnot.
I would lay it out like this:
Central room with the most important warps or maybe a central warp district (and maybe a Costa Copy).
4 hallways comeing out of the central room, for maybe different themes (Cities, individual projects, nature, etc) or different parts of the map (N,S,E,W).
I feel like it should be built in a non-ocupied area, or under ground. Maybe the outskirts of a major city?
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Sounds like a fun project actually. Technically we could add really low quality pictures of the builds into maps, maybe, but that would be really tedious. :P1
I would definitely support this idea, but it would be a large undertaking and we would have to get a large amount of support. No offense meant to anyone, but the current system has quite a few problems, and I think this, would help out quite a bit. The mods can only do so many personal tours a day.1
Sounds good! I think we should have 4 portals to in the central room: the spawn, to tyrule, to the galleria, and to the self-guided tours. I like the idea for different hallways!Post edited by Mythendor on0
I would love some help building it if I could get it.0
The actual building shouldn't be hard, it will just be so big it will take time.0
[quote="EnderKilla;7030"]Sounds like a fun project actually. Technically we could add really low quality pictures of the builds into maps, maybe, but that would be really tedious. :P[/quote]
That sounds like an amazing idea!
0 -
Here is what I was thinking design wise:
- Like Antheus said, a large central camber with four hallways coming off at each direction
- The central room has...
- A portal to/from spawn
- A portal to Tyrule
- A portal to the self-guided tour
- A portal to the Galleria
- One hallway is larger and has portals to the most important builds
- The other hallways have portals to the smaller builds, each with its own category (Maybe Towns, Nature, and Other)
Post edited by Mythendor on0 - Like Antheus said, a large central camber with four hallways coming off at each direction
While I feel like this is a great idea, I feel like it'll require a lot of time and effort, and a lot of help from staff members with WE and Voxel. Also, it'll be practically impossible to finish, for the simple reason that new warps are being added almost constantly - meaning this will also constantly need to be expanded and added to. I'm just not sure how viable it is to actually accomplish0
We can make it larger than we need to in order to accomadate for future warps. Also, each warp only takes up about a 5x2 Space. We could do 2 floors to save space. It would be easier than you think to build, the hard part is programming the portals.0
Sounds like a cool idea! I think we used to have one ages ago but... maybe I'm imagining things. I think it'd be useful to new members if they had somewhere where they could easily explore warps in a more visually pleasing way. As Drek said, adding every warp is unrealistic but we could definitely add the important ones and split them up into different categories! Another important factor is where this would be built.0
Thanks for agreeing! It's a good point that we don't need every warp, but I still believe we should. Also, if we connect it to the main spawn using a portal, we can put it anywhere.Post edited by Mythendor on1
How about this, if we can decide on a location, I'll lay out an outline of the space and my idea using dirt. We can see how big it can get?0
So...This sounds like great fun. Just wanna throw a couple of ideas out there.For one, I agree with Drek. This is a huge undertaking and there is a LOT to consider that might not be "easier than we think it will be." We know what it takes to make huge spectacular builds that blow people away. *puts on show host smile and makes sweeping arm motion to the Shire*So we do have an idea of what it will cost in term of effort, time and WE/VS support.Because you're asking to create a building that is meant to represent the Shire as a whole and be one of the first sights a new visitor sees, this building has to be no less than spectacular and blow a visitor away in the same way a place like Atheos or Ritunim does.Because the Shire is mostly steampunk era or prior, the building should reflect that.The building can't just be a single building, it has to be an entire area. Consider it like a gigantic Tyrule build except the build doesn't represent just you, it represents the entire server. So we're talking about a building that sets the pace for the rest of the Shire tour inside it. It should have an interior as spectacular as the exterior and it should have landscaping that is indicative of the landscaping projects we appreciate on the Shire.In no way am I saying that this is impossible to achieve, I'm only reminding you of the effort and forethought which will be required of the project. Plan on spending a lot of time planning. Plan on, before even scouting locations or placing the first block, the warp list has to be gone through and a list has to be compiled by the team and then vetted by staff - since the building will be meant to house those warps.Plan on spending a LOT of time on this - especially with many of the volunteers not having WE or VS, this will be a block-by-block project and should not be rushed. Plan on being critiqued more strictly on the building because it is meant to represent the Shire and not just a personal group project.Plan on, by the time you're done, the possibility of the original warp list needing to be updated - like Drek mentioned. And the build needing constant updating and management.Please don't take this as my trying to be discouraging. I just want you all to be really aware of what you're getting into and be prepared for it. Of course, as I always am, I'm happy and willing to help in any way I can. =D Just gotta let me know what I can do!We just know how projects of this scale and magnitude can become burdens to the team or end up sitting for the better part of a year before someone gets back to it and brings it to a sputtering restart. *cough* SUN *cough*. And the SUN building is a team of architects and staff! ..... who all have WE and VS. lmao! We have exactly ZERO excuse but there ya have it. lolSo anyway, this does sound like great fun and I'm so happy to see the excitement and willingness of members to come together to take on a project of this scale. When completed, it will be quite the accomplishment that the team should be proud of! =DBest of luck to the team doing this! It should be a magnificent addition to the Shire! =D10
Well when you put it that way...
I am so sorry if I offended any of you by saying that it will be easy. Hay's post makes it obvious to me that it is not.I'm not so sure I am up for the task of building this. To be honest, I'm not an amazing Minecraft builder like you guys are. I'm just and average joe who decided to join your amazing server and try his luck at building something cool. But if you do want to build this, I am happy to help, I just don't think that I can do it myself.I present a counter-offer: Maybe instead of creating a grand hall somewhere, we could start small. I'm thinking 2 things:- A list of all the warps on signs somewhere near spawn, with major warps highlighted.
- Maybe a basement to the spawn building. We could put warps only to our your most impressive builds. If you are afraid that they won't fit, we could add more basements below the 1st one.
-Mythendor2 -
I am happy to compile a list of warps and create a wall of warp locations near spawn if you would like.0
@mythendorThere is absolutely no need to apologize at all! You didn't offend anyone. I just wanted to kinda highlight the real challenges that pop up with a project like this that many people don't usually think of.Your counter offer sounds great! That's definitely doable and would be a great way to have an easier warp situation for gaijin when it is very busy and staff are unable to give tours.And who knows, you might discover, during your time here, that you actually ARE up for this project and end up making one of the Shire's most historic build! =D1
We could actually try use /warp hyrule, the building is empty and should be large enough for a number of warps. That would help get rid of the building part exterior wise.3
[quote=@EnderKilla]We could actually try use /warp hyrule, the building is empty and should be large enough for a number of warps. That would help get rid of the building part exterior wise.[/quote] Yep, nothing in Hyrule! Nothing at all! Totally empty!There's a railway interchange at ground level. Could put warpy-things above that0
Is it big enough? We're talking about 250 warps, plus room to grow (we added 40+ warps since the rush!)0
Do you guys have a list of warps?0
Not off-hand, but you can see a list in-game with commands /warp 1, /warp 2, etc.0
[quote="nebbers;7070"]Is it big enough? We're talking about 250 warps, plus room to grow (we added 40+ warps since the rush!)[/quote] derCould always go under ground if we actually do all the warps.0
@Hay @nebbers @blitheness @EnderKiller2 options:GREAT HALL OF WARPS: I checked out Hyrule, and between the ground level and the 2-3 balconies/stories that we could add, I believe it is large enough to fit all the warps. We could put the more important warps at ground level, the second most important on the second story, etc.NEW WARP ROOM: Alternatively, we could add a room underneath of the spawnpoint, as I suggested earlier, with portals to only the major warps and a list of all warps on signposts. I personally like this idea because it allows Gaijins to just walk down some stairs in the spawn to see all the portals, and we could add a portal in the center to the self-guided tours. (Because at the moment, it is hard to know that the tours exist.) We honestly don't need portals to every warp, but a physical list of all warps servers the same purpose.Either way, we need a list of all warps, which I will now begin to compile.What do you think? Which should we do? I personally want to do the second one.-Mythendor[UPDATE] It is looking like we will be doing option 1.Post edited by Mythendor on1
Sounds awesome, Myth. Brilliant idea, Ender!! =D
When you see me in game, just lmk how I can help.0 -
Oh. The Hyrule idea. It should be really fun to update inside for the warps and stuff. And maybe you can also incorporate your idea of making sections for the different kinds of places - medieval, modern, fantasy etc.0