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I love this

So I signed onto the server, flew around for maybe 15 seconds, and immediately came across this:

I love it. I haven't destroyed any of the blocks, but I imagine it could only be a chicken. Fitting, Thank you, Shire, for helping me when I need it most.


-Trusty (Ox)


  • :) Go to the docks by the Spawn for some Trump too
  • It's actually an NPC rather than a chicken. I remember when I hit it repeatedly to kill it but I ended up hitting it into the cobblestone instead and since I can't break blocks there, I just left it there.
  • [quote="sanman00;7622"]
    It's actually an NPC rather than a chicken. I remember when I hit it repeatedly to kill it but I ended up hitting it into the cobblestone instead and since I can't break blocks there, I just left it there.

    lmao This is the best.
  • Wow. I will have to check this out, lol.