Clouds Clouds Airship Belthil Tower Nether Temple
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Sorry to Everyone.

I'll make this brief, without unneeded drama.
I've had a rough autumn. I have trouble treating online people seriously. I can't acknowledge online rules as well as real rules. My fingers are nastier than my mouth, they're 6 years younger than my head.
Sorry for the disrespect. Sorry for the annoyance. Sorry for being a pain in the ass.
I'll stay quiet until I know when to shut it. I'll stay quiet until my fingers snap out of it. I'll stay quiet until my fingers man up.
Then I might deserve to be part of the Shire more.

Sorry to:
Morris for being sarcastic.
Andy for nagging.
Wolf for not minding my own business--he's had enough of me after the very first day.
Gus for being inappropriate together.
Sam and jimmy for lack of sincerity.
Smoot for sounding aggressive.
Everyone for typing in chat so much and spamming it.
Finally, Hay for pretty much everything.

I can't promise that I'll change quickly; I can promise that I won't cause any more trouble until I do.

